In Bed with the Bodyguard

Free In Bed with the Bodyguard by Lynne Silver

Book: In Bed with the Bodyguard by Lynne Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne Silver
playfully flexed his biceps, unabashedly aware of his big muscular body. Did he know its full effect on her, and would it be terrible if she revealed how hot she thought him?
    “I work out, too, most mornings or I go to yoga, if you want to join me.”
    “I have to head to physical therapy, but heck no to the yoga stuff.” He clicked the browser over to a sports page as if to prove that real men don’t do yoga.
    “You’re being silly. It would help your leg. It’s how I maintain my strength and flexibility.” Now she had his full attention. “Lots of professional athletes do it.”
    “Show me some moves, and maybe I’ll consider it.”
    She stood up, aware her short sundress was not ideal for yoga poses, but he’d asked. Who was she not to deliver? She did a fluid sun salutation then moved into downward facing dog, making sure her rear was pointed in his direction.
    “Yeah, I can see how it helps your flexibility.” He sounded like he’d swallowed a lollipop whole, stick included.
    Ari stood up, loving the burn and flex of the muscles. The only other place she achieved that excellent ache was in bed with a lover. She made up her mind at that moment she was going to sleep with Lance Brown before she sent him packing back to the Secret Service. He was leaving as soon as the hired professionals showed up tomorrow, which meant she had less than twenty-four hours to make her move.
    His kiss today showed he was not immune to her charms even if he thought she was a tad spoiled at times. So what? She was. It wasn’t her fault her parents showered her with every luxury except their attention. Let seduction begin tonight. Mr. Do-Right Agent wouldn’t know what hit him.

Chapter Five
    L ance stretched out his long legs as much as possible in her tuna can of a car and glanced in his side mirror. He’d let Arianna drive home from dinner, and he was doing his best not to wince at each car she cut off.
    The gray Ford sedan a few cars back caught his attention. He’d seen one like it illegally parked out front of the restaurant. Could be coincidence, but he was trained to look for anomalies and patterns, and he was darn good at his job. The gray car was following them. He’d bet on it.
    If he’d been doing his job instead of remembering Ari’s tight ass in her yoga pose, he would’ve noticed if the car had followed them from her art gallery or if it had picked them up at the restaurant.
    “Get into the right lane,” he said. “Slowly.”
    Arianna turned to him with a questioning expression on her face. “Do it,” he said.
    She frowned but signaled and moved to the right. The gray car followed. “Stay in this lane. Keep to the speed limit.” He grinned at her disgruntled look.
    “Are we being followed or something?”
    “I think so. Don’t panic,” he said as her fingers tightened on the wheel and her speed slowed down.
    “Should I drive to the police station?” Her voice was quiet but steady.
    “Not yet. Let’s lead them on a bit of a chase, but not to your house.” He reached behind him to pull out his gun.
    “Can’t you call your police buddies and have them trace the license plate? If I slow down more, you can read the tags.”
    He considered her excellent idea for a minute. If he were guarding her in an official capacity he could. “I can’t. It would be illegal for me to trace tags for personal use.”
    The car jerked forward as she stomped on the gas pedal. “Personal use? I bet I could find that information on Google in about one second.”
    “Probably true,” he admitted. “But I still can’t use official government resources for this purpose.”
    “Official government resources, hah. Do you mean those spy satellites that could show a geek in a dark office what color underwear I’m wearing right now?”
    What color underwear was she wearing right now? Was it a thong? Or maybe those sexy boy-shorts. Lance allowed himself a pleasurable distracting moment to contemplate that, then

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