
Free Misty by M. Garnet

Book: Misty by M. Garnet Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. Garnet
Tags: General Fiction
watched him warily as he moved outside. She looked around and went back to the elevator, but of course it would not respond for her. Shit. She walked back into the room. As she stepped from the marble of the entry to the deep carpet she removed her heels.
    She saw the kitchen behind the dark black marble bar and went over to it. She found that she was really hungry. The small kitchen was a work of art. All the appliances were black with black tiles behind the black marble counter top. As she entered a low light came on under the cabinets. She found that all the cabinets, including the refrigerator had dark glass fronts. In the refrigerator she found what she wanted, covered plates of cheeses, meats, and fruit, yogurts along with creams and spreads, sliced breads with nuts and fruit in them. She pulled out several plates and put them on the bar, then pulled out a couple of drawers until she found tableware so that she could fix what she wanted. She discovered some fruit juice and standing behind the bar she had her first good meal in almost a week.
    She finally moved to where she could see him, noticing that he had not moved. He was just standing in the dark on the balcony. Was this the way Vampires slept or rested? He didn’t seem to move a muscle. She didn’t want to approach him so she chose a chair to sit in, pulled her legs up under her and just watched. The room was cool and the lights were low and she laid her head back. She was not sure when she drifted off to sleep.
    * * * *
    It was much later when he came into the room. He approved that she had eaten and then cleaned up afterwards. He stood over her and he felt the pull. It was strong and dangerous. She had fallen asleep with her head back, exposing her long neck where he saw the vein, especially the one that would be so easy to pierce. This one would let him taste the blood that flowed down to the heart. He felt the stirring in his groin and the push of his manhood as it enlarged against the restraining material of his clothes. Fuck! No, wrong word, wrong thought.
    He turned and left, using the speed of a Vampire, taking the elevator down and away from her, to keep from mounting her right there on the floor. He walked only a short distance before a woman stepped up. He looked at her for only a moment before he entered her mind. She was clean and young. He tried not to take them this young, but tonight he needed to feed or he would not be able to hold himself back when he returned upstairs.
    “Do you have a room?” He looked into her mind and saw the hesitation. She had a room, but she never took clients there. He mentally let her want to take him there. In the privacy of her room he fed, carefully taking only enough, but not doing her harm. He left her with the thought of having good sex and five hundred dollars. He waited an hour and her roommate came home. He was able to sate himself on her. By that time he had more control so he did complete an act of sex, but part way through it he thought of reddish brown hair and pulled out of the woman, letting her finish by using his mouth. Again he sealed her bites by using his tongue. He left another five hundred for her. Perhaps he would use these women again, as they were close to his location.
    As he left he went by the manager’s apartment and knocked, waking the man up. The man told him they were paid up until the end of the month. He paid him for six months and made the man think that the girls had made the payments. He told him to go back to bed and forget that he had a midnight visitor.
    When he returned to the suite she was as he had left her, that beautiful neck still exposed. But something, his presence maybe, woke her.
    “I need to go home now. It is late and I want to go to bed.” She sat up and rubbed the back of her neck that was stiff, from the angle she had slept.
    “There are four bedrooms. Take your pick.” She was surprised that there seemed to be a little anger in his voice.
    “Okay, I get it.

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