The Quantum Brain (Pulse Science Fiction Series Book 2)

Free The Quantum Brain (Pulse Science Fiction Series Book 2) by John Freitas

Book: The Quantum Brain (Pulse Science Fiction Series Book 2) by John Freitas Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Freitas
allow, sir, if you are willing to allocate enough resources,” Dr. Kell said.
    “Consider everyone in the room that wants to keep their jobs at your disposal, Doctor.”
    At least the managers had all stopped glaring at him. Dr. Kell had a feeling they were all about to start desperately hounding him and kissing up. That was somehow worse in his mind than their forthright contempt.
    “Yes, sir.”
    “When the security contractor arrives, Dr. Kell, I want you to bring him up to Hazel Conrad’s office,” Miles Decker said.
    All eyes were on Dr. Kell again.
    “Her office, sir?”
    “Yes, I have it sealed off until you and the contractor get there,” Miles Decker said. “I’ll come on for a conference call on the screen in there once you are both there. Do you have any questions, Doctor?”
    Thomas Kell cleared his throat and said, “A lot actually, sir.”
    Miles Decker actually smiled and Dr. Kell found it terrifying. Decker lifted his mug and took another sip before setting it down with a clunk. “Do you understand the instructions as I have given them at least?”
    “Yes, sir. Do you want me to call in the contractor early?”
    “No. Whenever he arrives is fine. I have other things to attend to as well. The rest of you will have instructions emailed for each of your divisions. Follow them exactly. Those of you being let go today, security is waiting for you at your office to see you out. Your personal possessions will be mailed to you.”
    The screen went blue.
    No one moved at first.
    One manager near the head of the table turned his chair and said, “Dr. Kell, let me be the first to tell you how honored and proud I am to be working with you through this transition for our company.”
    Dr. Kell turned and walked out of the conference room without responding. He found himself hoping that guy was going to be one of the ones cut today. He thought maybe Miles Decker’s ruthless nature might be contagious.

    Dr. Thomas Kell and Mark Spencer walked past the industrial shredder in the outer office toward the ornate door. Two security guards stood outside.
    Dr. Kell cleared his throat and said, “Miles Decker told us to go in there. That’s all I know.”
    One of the men nodded. “We know.”
    “How’s it going, Mr. Hall?” Mark asked.
    Thomas felt bad that the contractor knew the security guard’s name, but he didn’t.
    The one that answered to the name Mr. Hall crossed his arms over his broad chest. “I’m guarding the office of one of our beloved partners who is now dead. So, I’ve had better days.”
    “Buck up,” Mark said. “Maybe the week will still turn around for you.”
    Dr. Kell’s eyes went wide. Mr. Hall was glaring at Mark. He turned his attention off the contractor to Thomas Kell. “When you are in there with him, Dr. Kell, keep your eyes on him at all times. We don’t need any sensitive materials mishandled or her things mistreated.”
    Thomas Kell swallowed. “Okay.”
    “Does this mean I’m not going to be calling you Calvin any time soon?” Mark asked.
    “Tread lightly, Mr. Spencer. This is not the time for your jokes and disrespect. Thank you.”
    Mark Spencer was glaring back. “With all due respect then, Calvin, Mr. Miles Decker has asked me to enter this office now. Unless you overrule him at CDR, then I don’t need your permission on top of that. So, kindly step aside and don’t delay our work any further. Thank you.”
    Calvin Hall narrowed his eyes, but he and the other guard stepped aside. Mark and Thomas stepped forward. Mark opened the door himself and they stepped through before closing it back.
    Mark held out his hands. “Well, that went swimmingly. What now?”
    “A conference call on a screen?”
    Thomas did not remember a screen from his last visit to this suite. The porcelain warrior and lion were still on the table in front of the leather sofa. So were the tea set and the silver case. Thomas heard the clock ticking and spotted it sitting on a

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