Desire and a Bottle of Merlot: (Like Sisters Series Book 5) Chick Lit: A Romantic Comedy

Free Desire and a Bottle of Merlot: (Like Sisters Series Book 5) Chick Lit: A Romantic Comedy by Bria Marche

Book: Desire and a Bottle of Merlot: (Like Sisters Series Book 5) Chick Lit: A Romantic Comedy by Bria Marche Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bria Marche
for the first time, and I’m pregnant.” Sasha chuckled, took a deep, calming breath, and kept watching.
    “You know, you’ve never described your parents to me other than saying your dad is an actor and your mom is a homemaker. Oh yeah… also that they’re wealthy and own a chateau in the south of France… with a vineyard.”
    “My dad is slender with graying hair and a mustache—very debonair, you know. He’s handsome and smart. My mom is a cutie pie.” Sasha looked up at Josh and grinned. “Actually, she’s beautiful and caught my dad’s eye right away, or so the story goes. She worked in food services at the movie lot when they met. Evidently, my dad would see her when he had lunch every day. He watched her, longing for her, until he got up the nerve to introduce himself. The rest is history. Mom has dark hair, like mine was, and she’s mysterious looking. I mean, she’s Russian, for Pete’s sake. I think I see them!” Sasha’s eyes filled with tears immediately when she was certain it was her mom and dad walking toward her. Smiles took over their faces the second they recognized their daughter among the crowd of people waiting. Sasha had given them advance notice that her hair was now short and blond. The waving began as their pace picked up.
    Hugs, kisses, and more kisses took over the Renaud family as they embraced each other, and tears flowed.
    “Papa, Mama, I’m so happy you’re here,” Sasha said as she held her parents tightly. “This is Josh, my fiancé, and here’s the little one.” Sasha rubbed her belly, showing off how proud she was of her baby bump. Nobody, not even her parents, would find out she was carrying twins until the party.
    Josh shook hands with Sasha’s father, Gerard, and embraced her mother, Alina. “It’s wonderful to meet you both. Shall we?” Josh led them toward the baggage-claim area to pick up their luggage. He was sure they had plenty since they were staying for more than a month.
    The drive back to Tarrytown seemed much faster than usual with the flurry of conversation going on. Sasha described the Victorian in great detail, knowing her parents would fall in love with it, too.
    “Well, here we are,” Josh said as he pulled into the driveway.
    Sasha had let Dan and his helpers know she and Josh would be having company and a party over the weekend. They’d take a few days off, giving Sasha her driveway back temporarily.
    The expressions her parents wore said it all. They were surprised and impressed with the size and beauty of the Victorian. “Sasha, I had no idea…” Her father stood there, staring, flabbergasted.
    She laughed proudly. “I know what you mean, Papa. I always thought I’d live in the city in an apartment, too. Isn’t she grand?”
    Her father would know a beautiful home when he saw one. His chateau in the south of France dated back to the early 1800s, and it was magnificent.
    “Come inside so I can show you and Mama around.” She showed them the Victorian, room by room, explaining how the library would be used for weddings, too. The photos of the deck and arbors were waiting for her father’s approval on the dining-room table.
    Sasha and her parents sat with coffee and apple muffins, looking over the sketches of the wedding garden Josh had drawn months earlier. Then Sasha walked with her parents to the vacant lot. She wanted them to envision what they planned out on paper. The ground was tilled and the grape stock was waiting to be planted.
    “This is wonderful, Sasha.” Alina still held onto a thick Russian accent. “We’re both very proud of you and your accomplishments. Josh, you have quite a woman here. She’s a different, more mature young lady these days. We’re excited for both of you.”
    “We’ll get started on the vineyard next week. We don’t want the vines sitting too long before they’re planted. Everything will be beautiful by the time of the weddings.” Gerard gave his daughter a reassuring hug.

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