
Free Redemption by R. K. Ryals, Melanie Bruce

Book: Redemption by R. K. Ryals, Melanie Bruce Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. K. Ryals, Melanie Bruce
Tags: Romance, Young Adult
someone ask as I fought my invisible assailant. His grip became unbearable on my wrist.
     " Please ," I begged as I fought. There was no relief.
    “Mine,” his voice repeated just as my world went black.

    Chapter 6
    They are, by nature, ruled by blood. Blood isn’t a necessity for life, for they are immortal. It is a thirst, a need for blood. Their curse. There is one who seeks an end to the Hunger. If it can’t come by Redemption, he will seek war.
    There was darkness surrounding me. I squinted but could barely make out my surroundings. Stone? Something fluttered above my head, and I ducked instinctively. What was that? I cringed, my eyes growing wide until they finally began to adjust to the darkness. A cave? I looked around desperately. What I saw didn’t make me feel any better. Shadows crawled through a cavern, inching along like spider monkeys in the jungle, creeping with each flicker of flame coming off sconces inserted along the wall. And then there were the voices. I was terrified. What was this place? What had happened to me? Shadows came at me from everywhere, and I tried reaching out to grab at the cave wall. I couldn't see my own hand. I tried again. Nothing. Was I only viewing the scene? Was this a vision? Had I died? The voices grew louder, and I began to register them. They seemed a part of the shadows.
    “You crave too much the power of our forefathers,” one voice mocked as another rose in laughter. Both male, both low and frightening. I looked for the men but could only make out shapes. They were tall and dark.
    “No, brother, I crave redemption,” the second voice uttered sourly. This time the first voice laughed, but solemnly.
    “There is no redemption for us. There never can be,” he said.
    “You’re wrong, Marcas. There is. I’ve seen it,” the second voice remarked. Marcas?
    I tried harder to see, but the darkness in the cavern was too much, the light too faint.
    “You imagined it,” Marcas argued. I knew his voice now. “You’re a fool to think otherwise.”
    “Oh ho, brother! No, you are the fool! Maybe it is you that seeks power.”
    “I seek only vengeance,” Marcas stated. The shadows crept closer, swirling around the two men as they faced each other defiantly.
    “We had redemption once. And then it was revoked, leaving the rest of us cursed for eternity,” Marcas pointed out, waving what appeared to be gloved hands upward. The second man waved his own hands in agitation.
    “No, I have found the cure. And I will have it!” the man yelled vehemently as Marcas began to circle him suspiciously.
    “At what cost, brother? At what cost would you have your redemption?” Marcas asked in frustration.
    This was a mistake. I didn’t belong here watching this. Both of the men terrified me. I tried to touch something again and failed. Maybe I was invisible. I hoped so. I had no desire to be caught among them.
    “It’s better we are damned than the world,” Marcas said quietly, stopping only inches away from his brother. “I could stop you.”
    The second man reached forward, patting his brother affectionately on the cheek before shoving forth his right fist. Marcas slumped forward, clutching his side as a wet stain spread slowly onto the other man’s hand. Oh my God! Was that blood? I felt nausea swamp me. Oh my God! The man laughed as he produced some kind of container and filled it with the crimson fluid. My stomach burned as if dry heaving. Oh my God!
    “No, you won’t stop me,” the man said before pulling out the dagger he had pushed into his brother’s side. Marcas crumpled.
    “You’ll heal,” he murmured as he cleaned the dagger on his jeans. “Some things are worth more than family.”
    He turned to walk toward me. I couldn’t let him see me! He drew closer, closer still, and I screamed.
    “No!” I cried out, shoving at something hard, my fists clenching desperately at fabric and skin. I wouldn’t let him get me! A hand

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