The Midwife's Choice
perfect solution.
    When she opened her eyes, she looked at Dr. McMillan and grinned.
    He narrowed his gaze. Disbelief etched his expression. “Tell me you’ve thought of an answer to this whole dilemma, and I’ll . . . I’ll give up sweets for a month of Sundays.”
    She rose and reached across the table to pat his arm. “In that case, I’ll be right back. There’s a cherry pie in the shop just begging to be sampled. If I’m right, as I suspect I am, tomorrow you’ll be forced to eat your own words.”
    She chuckled at her own pun.
    He glowered.
    â€œI’d better get that pie and cut you a big piece,” she teased.
    Her steps were light, and she hummed to herself as she made her way to the shop in the front of the confectionery. Despite the tragedy that had befallen both Samuel and Will this day, despite the disappointment that clouded Victoria’s homecoming and the heartrending decision Martha would be forced to make, despite the grief Nancy and Russell Clifford now embraced, there were blessings to be found.
    True blessings.
    Now all she had to do was take those blessings and put them to good use.
    Come morning, she intended to do just that.

    D rat! Martha had overslept again. Not just a few hours this time. By half a day!
    She charged into the kitchen. Empty. She glanced around the room. Brilliant sunshine danced through the openings in the curtains. A hearty chicken stew bubbled on the cookstove. The worktables were wiped clean of any evidence of the day’s baking. She could hear the chattering of voices coming from the shop.
    â€œIt must be after ten,” she muttered. With so much to do, she could ill afford to waste half the day abed. She needed to see Victoria first and set her own house in order before she tackled the problem of finding a home for Samuel and Will. With her mind made up about Victoria’s future, she was anxious to see her daughter.
    She proceeded directly into the shop, where she hoped to find Victoria helping Fern and Ivy. Along each side of the room, checkered cloths covered tables laden with what was left of the day’s offering of breads and sweets. Straight ahead, she saw the two sisters, but there was no sign of Victoria or her benefactor.
    Fern stood on top of a stool in front of a narrow window. Ivy stood below, holding the other end of a freshly laundered and ironed curtain they were trying to rehang.
    Ivy grinned, and her blue eyes twinkled. “Thought you might sleep through till tomorrow morning.”
    Fern turned her head and studied Martha for a moment. “You look rested,” she quipped before getting back to her task.
    â€œI don’t think I’ve ever slept this late in my life! I’m so embarrassed to have to apologize to you both again. Here, let me help,” she insisted as she approached them.
    Ivy waved her back. “We’re almost finished. Did you get yourself some breakfast?”
    â€œNo. I wanted to talk to Victoria. I thought she might be in here with you.”
    Fern sniffled and took the rest of the curtain from her sister. “She’s with Mrs. Morgan helping her settle in at Dr. McMillan’s. Thought she’d be back by now.”
    â€œJune moved to Dr. McMillan’s?”
    Ivy clucked. “Such a refined lady. So considerate. We tried to tell her it wasn’t an imposition to have her here with us, but she insisted. It’ll be nice for the doctor to have the company of an old friend, don’t you think?” Her eyes widened. “Did she tell you that her brother went to school with him and that—”
    â€œShe did,” Martha quipped, reluctant to hear the tale repeated.
    Fern finished her task and climbed down from the stool. “It’s probably best if she stays with him. Rosalind’s there. So’s Burton, so people won’t be able to gossip.”
    Martha nodded. Her friend and her husband lived with Dr.

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