Stormy Seas
a part
Marcus looked out the large window in the sitting
room where he stood. An abundance of light streamed into the
magnificent room, highlighting the elegant furniture and vaulted
ceilings of the space.
It felt strange to be on land again and Marcus knew
he must brace himself for a very different world of challenges.
Still, the beauty of this world, the world of the affluent and
beautiful, had its allure. He'd felt like a fish out of water when
he'd first been invited into these circles. But now he knew better.
His charm and heroics had made him a celebrity of sorts, a beacon
of masculinity amidst proper, buttoned-up English gentlemen.
    “ Darling...” came a sensual voice
from behind him. Luciana sauntered slowly across the room, waiting
patiently for Marcus' gaze to meet her. She was a self-assured
woman, confident of her ability to manipulate men with her dazzling
looks and seductive manner.
    She'd spent her life in the lap of
luxury, her family's wealth and name making her a desirable match
for any man in her circles. Ah
Luciana , he thought. Always such a
dazzling temptress.
Marcus turned with a distracted look on his face.
His potent gaze swept over Luciana's radiant, flawless features and
he found himself arrested by her perfection. She had slipped into a
new gown, a dazzling pearl and gold number that accentuated her
tiny waist and sensuous curves.
He could feel a tightness in his throat, as Luciana
leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “I've missed you so, darling.
The months you were at sea passed so slowly; I could hardly wait
for you to return to me.” Marcus felt his confusion and frustration
build. His powerful arms tensed, then he gave into the temptation,
kissing Luciana hard on the mouth.
Luciana pushed him away breathlessly, flashing him
a coy smile. “I knew you missed me too, darling.” She walked her
fingers slowly up the front of his blue jacket, throwing him
flirtatious glances. Marcus felt a struggle within him, but fought
to dismiss it.
    “ I've missed you,” he admitted,
unsure of the veracity of his statement. This was right. Everyone
knew Luciana and Marcus were the perfect match. Taking her by the
waist, Marcus kissed her thoroughly once more, lingering
    A loud coughing noise came from
the doorway, ending the moment. A befuddled Malcolm stood in the
hallway, next to a startled and flushed Kira. Marcus straightened
awkwardly, feeling the heat rise in his face. Damnit , Marcus thought, his whole
body tightening. She wasn't supposed to see that. Kira averted her
eyes, looking pained, her body frozen in place. Mortification
overcame her as she realized what a fool she'd been.
    Luciana noted the awkward silence,
watching Kira's blushing face and feeling the tension emanating
from Marcus' body. She adjusted her hair elegantly and put on a
confident smile. “ Helloo there, dear. You must be Marcus' little ward.”
Luciana made her way gracefully toward her newly arrived guests.
Running her hands lightly over her regal neck, Luciana smiled
    “ When Marcus told me he'd rescued
a young girl, I had no idea you'd be almost fully grown. Marcus,
dear, you really must get better at observation. You made it sound
as if poor Kira here was just a helpless child.”
    “ Don't worry, darling,” Luciana
pouted, approaching Kira to brush an errant strand of hair from her
face. “Eventually, your body will change and men will come to see
you as a woman.” Her lips parted over perfectly straight teeth and
she patted Kira on the arm in a condescending manner. Marcus stared
at the floor, willing it to open up and swallow him
Kira felt the heat intensify on her face. She
couldn't look up; she couldn't even look at him for she felt such a
fool. Was he toying with her all along? Laughing at her simple
inexperience and modest ways? Kira stared silently at the carpet,
begging internally for someone to show her to her room.
    “ Oh dear...” Luciana carried on.

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