Ascent of the Unwanted (The Chronicle of Unfortunate Heroes Book 1)

Free Ascent of the Unwanted (The Chronicle of Unfortunate Heroes Book 1) by Nathan T. Boyce

Book: Ascent of the Unwanted (The Chronicle of Unfortunate Heroes Book 1) by Nathan T. Boyce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nathan T. Boyce
habits,” Istan said. “If you decide you want to go ahead with the training.”
    “Do you really think I can do it?”
    “Yes, but it is a long and arduous journey. The training alone will take years, if you survive it.”
    “Survive it?” Erik was not sure he wanted the training. Years of waiting to find his mother’s killer, but he knew nothing about where to begin to look for a trail, or what to do if he found it.
    “I won’t lie to you. You can be trained as a Roh’Darharim if you want, but some do die in the training. Death is still a kinder fate then what could await you if you fail in some of the tasks,” Istan said.
    “In essence a Cavalier, but it is more. In the old tongues it means ‘Protector of the People.’ In truth you are a Cavalier for the king, but in actuality you serve all kingdoms.”
    “Why me?” Erik asked, giving in to the decision.
    “We have been watching you since the night you cared for our horses. You paid good attention to them, more than was needed. After we lost the killer’s trail we went back to Armeston and watched. Why do you think we knew about the piece of wood you pulled off the crate or why we were there to help you when you needed it? It was far from chance we happened upon your fight. Our actions had a little pity in it, yes, but what is more important is now there is nothing to hold you back. You also have a good reason to persevere.”
    “If you were there the entire time why did I get the snot kicked out of me?” Erik asked. “You could have helped a little sooner.”
    “We wanted to see how you were going to handle the situation. All things considered I think you did very well. There were many times you could have run and left your friend.”
    Erik had to laugh holding his sore ribs. “I can feel how well I did.”
    “Can Lawt go, too?” Lawt interrupted.
    “You?” Istan said shocked. “I wouldn’t…couldn’t send you for this, Lawt. You most certainly would fail.”
    “Please, sir, do not leave Lawt without his friend. At least let Lawt go to aid him,” Lawt pleaded.
    “Certainly not!” Istan spat. “A Roh’Darharim must accomplish his testing with his class or he isn’t worthy of the title. He can’t rely on you for aid during his testing, and if you aren’t training with him you’ll only add to his burden.”
    “Then Lawt will follow and ask for Lawt to be admitted himself” Lawt was clearly getting desperate now.
    “That wouldn’t be fruitful, Lawt,” Istan said with a sigh. “You must have the recommendation of a Cavalier, and you don’t have tha”
    “At least… At least let Lawt ride along with you until we get there. Let Lawt spend time with his friend!” Lawt begged.
    “That, I suppose, I can do.”
    The first couple of days were boring after the excitement in Erik’s new life wore thin. The sky was clear the first few days. The forested hills leading to the western coast of the kingdom of Tredale would thin out as the party reached a hills’ apex. At these times Erik could see the beauty and glory of his homeland and be proud. This was farther than he had ever been from home. He climbed each hill to see what was hidden on the other side.
    On the fourth day out it began to rain and the journey became miserable. Everything was wet. His cloak was no protection after the first few hours and he became horrible company. Lawt asked him question after question. Stupid questions about things anyone with half a brain could figure out or had no real answer. It was after Lawt had asked, “How far can ships go into the ocean before they run out of water to sail on?” that Erik stopped paying attention to him. After every pause Erik inserted, “I don’t know,” until Lawt stopped pestering him.
    Erik was busy ignoring Lawt’s questions on the fifth day out when Lawt grabbed Erik by the tunic and threw him on his back hard. They were walking a bit behind the Cavaliers and had strayed into a clearing off

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