Let Them Speak (Vampire Assassin League #13)

Free Let Them Speak (Vampire Assassin League #13) by Jackie Ivie

Book: Let Them Speak (Vampire Assassin League #13) by Jackie Ivie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Ivie
She’d have glanced down to check, but couldn’t seem to move her eyes. She wet her lips with her tongue before running it over her teeth; checking, even if it was foolish. Nope. Nothing out of place. Nothing sharp. Elongated. Pointed. Just teeth. Oh brother . She was becoming as delusional as Devereaux.
    “Where…am I?”
    Now, that was another bit of weirdness. Her voice sounded sultry and warm, even to her own ears. It carried a sensual timbre she’d never noted before. If she’d possessed this voice earlier, she’d have been a shoo-in for radio. Maybe she should change her field.
    “Uh…my sanctuary.”
    “I had it specially designed. Attic room. Hidden behind one of the fireplace walls.”
    “What …time…is it?” she asked.
    “The sun has just set. And I mean just set. I must have forgotten that.”
    Oh no. She’d had the best lovemaking session of her life and then slept all day? What would Stan be thinking?
    “I have to get up.”
    “Yes,” he replied.
    “And I have to get dressed.”
    “Yes,” he replied again.
    “I don’t suppose you have anything in my size?”
    “I’ve got your suitcases. There were four of them, yes? In matching tan leather. You don’t travel light, do you?”
    “ I’m planning an extension of this trip to Ohio to see my aunt and her family, and – wait a minute. Why do you have my luggage?”   
    “You’ll need it . Unlike some of my compatriots, I didn’t have the foresight to purchase a wardrobe just for you. Foolish. I know.”
    “All right . Let’s just move past that non-answer. Have I been asleep all day?”
    “Not…literally,” he replied.
    “How do you feel ? Are you ready to get up? Get dressed?”  He held out his hand as if she’d take it.
    “What’s going on ? And explain it in plain terms, okay?”
    He pulled in his cheeks and moved from their eye connection to look at something over her right ear. Even if Sydney wasn’t well-versed in what a lying face looks like, she’d have still known one was coming.
    “Nothing much.”
    “Define nothing. And then you can clarify the much portion of that.”
    He looked back to her . She got sucked into his gaze again. It wasn’t hard. It was actually difficult to think of doing anything else. He had eyes just formed for delving deep into. Losing oneself in. They were impossibly tempting. Incredibly dark. Mysterious. Her nipples tightened. Something flitted through her belly, and it did resemble the butterflies from poetry. Her thighs quivered. Her loins joined in. Moistening. Preparing. All of her seemed steeped in anticipation of something so vast she had no description, and then he ruined it.
    “ Ah. Love. If only—!   Please. I beg you. You need to cease that and rise. Get dressed. Please. Now.”
    “Right now?”
    “Time is our biggest enemy at the moment.”
    Her shoulders fell . She sighed. And then she just opened her mouth and put it in words. “Are you that desperate to get rid of me?” she asked.
    His eyes flared . The glass globes matched it, sending intense light into the room before they sank back into the dimness. Sydney blinked once. That was another unusual item. Her pupils hadn’t even reacted. She hadn’t even squinted.
    “Take my hand . Now.”
    “I will explain everything later. I promise. Once we’re airborne. But please. For now, you must hurry. Get dressed.”
    “What’s wrong with now ? You have another appointment—excuse me. Did you just say airborne?”
    “We have a flight scheduled.”
    “Not a chance, Devereaux . I’m not going anywhere.”
    The close-lipped growl he gave was probably an answer. But it wasn’t one she wanted to hear, anyway. Sydney tipped her head to the side.
    “Okay , Devereaux. I’ll play along, but just because it’s entertaining. Where. Exactly. Are we flying to?”
    “Belize. ”
    “Central America. It’s a very small country, just below Mexico.”
    “I know

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