The Second God

Free The Second God by Pauline M. Ross

Book: The Second God by Pauline M. Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pauline M. Ross
anyone even noticed we were gone.”
    She laughed. “You have not been outside the Keep lately, have you? There is a huge crowd gathered outside the gates, waiting for news of you both. And the eagles, too, which surprised me a little. All their names are known, and people love to see them flying above the town, were you aware of that?”
    My eyes were wide with astonishment.
    “When you were first brought home, strapped unconscious to Diamond’s back, news spread and the crowd began to gather. We have had to post bulletins several times each sun, just to appease them.”
    “Not the nobles – they wouldn’t care if I broke every bone in my body,” I muttered.
    “You would be surprised how many were upset. But no, the crowds at the gates are the ordinary people of Kingswell – the shopkeepers and tanners and bakers and woodcarvers. They like you, because you are one of them – you came from very humble beginnings, and you are not arrogant and grand, like so many of the nobles. And many of them have met Ly at his little farm. There is a great fondness for both of you in this town, and people will be glad to celebrate your return. As will I.”
    “They will also be glad to celebrate a sun with no work,” I said.
    She laughed. “As will I, too. It is good for all of us to set the chores aside once in a while. You, too, Drina. You have had a difficult time lately. Cancel your engagements for tomorrow, and spend some time with your family.”
    When she had gone, Arran murmured, “Shall we go back to our own rooms now?”
    “I should like to stay for a while. Do you mind?”
    “Of course not,” he said at once, but his expression was wary.
    So we played with the children until the nursery servants scolded us for over-exciting the little ones, and insisted they should go to bed.
    Arran was still quiet when we reached our bedroom.
    “Come over here,” I said, pointing to the window seat. “Sit down, and let’s talk.”
    Not very eagerly, he sat, and I climbed onto his lap. “You mustn’t be jealous of Ly, my love,” I said, wrapping my arms round his neck. “There’s no need.”
    “You said you loved him,” he growled.
    “So I did, and so I do, but not at all in the same way as I love you. Darling Arran, you’re the one who warms my heart when you walk into a room.”
    A little smile. “Am I?” He pulled me closer.
    “You know you are. I like Ly well enough, but more as a good friend. But you – my life would be insupportable without you. I only agreed to be Yannassia’s heir if I could have you, remember?”
    “I do remember, yes.” The smile broadened, then faded a little. “I am not jealous of Ly, exactly, but he takes you away from me. I hate it when you fly off with him and leave me behind. I wish I could fly on an eagle, too.”
    “Oh, so do I! It would be wonderful if you could come with us. I really missed you on this last trip. I was so cold at night.”
    “But you had Ly to keep you warm,” Arran said, pulling away from me in surprise.
    “Yes, but he wouldn’t. It wasn’t his night, so he refused to touch me. I was frozen.”
    Arran chuckled, a low rumble that rocked me on his lap. “I would have taken better care of you, my little flower.”
    “So you would. And that long trip we took to the Port Holdings. We were away for moons and I missed you so much.”
    His face fell. “That was when I—”
    “Shh!” I put a finger to his lips. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to remind you. That’s all in the past now.”
    He sighed gustily. “See how much I need you. I get in a muddle without you to tell me what to do. Shall we go to bed? I suppose Ly has quite worn you out?”
    His optimistic expression made me laugh. “Oh, I think I have a little energy left. Magic is a wonderful thing, don’t you agree?”
    He answered me with a long, warm kiss.
    The following sun, we went as a family to the Keep gates, to show ourselves to the crowds outside. I hadn’t really believed in

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