River Bear (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Blue Bear Rescue)

Free River Bear (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Blue Bear Rescue) by Terra Wolf, Holly Eastman

Book: River Bear (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Blue Bear Rescue) by Terra Wolf, Holly Eastman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terra Wolf, Holly Eastman
Listening now as she recapped pulling a knife on the guy gave him the warm fuzzies, though. He liked imagining her holding her own. But mostly, he wanted to do the saving. She’d wait in the truck next time if he had anything to say about it.
    Nash and Lucas had pulled up a chair and sat across the table from Delilah, but Harley stood near the front door, thumbs hooked casually in his back pockets. He stared out the front window chewing on a toothpick, but Jake knew from the set of his shoulders, Harley caught every word Delilah said.
    Fuck, when had their life gotten so full of violence and drama? Two weeks ago, they’d spent the day in the hot tub down at the springs, drinking beer and planning out what they’d do with their bonus checks this year.
    Now, here he was, chasing down a mystery villain who’d basically put out a hit on the entire Blue Bear Search and Rescue crew, and trying damn hard not to fall for the private investigator they’d hired to help.
    He caught Delilah telling Xavier about “a blur of white, big as an igloo, chasing off the last creep,” just as she turned back and shot him a sexy smile that made his balls ache.
    So much for not falling. He was already gone for her.
    “Why the hell would you let him leave?” Harley demanded.
    “Harley’s right,” Xavier said, several degrees more calmly. He stood behind Lucas and Nash, rubbing his stubble. “We needed him for information.”
    Jake kicked himself. He’d been too pissed to think of that.
    “You mean like the name of the guy who made the fliers?” Delilah asked, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips. “I already got it.”
    “You what? When?” Jake straightened and shot a look at his alpha.
    Xavier arched a brow at him and then went back to Delilah. Nash, who’d been extra quiet until now, whooped and grinned at Delilah. He lifted a hand in the air and high-fived her. “Nice one, PI,” he said, and Delilah grinned.
    Lucas nodded. “Good work.”
    Fuck. His entire crew was impressed with her skills. He’d never talk her into quitting now.
    “What’s the name?” Harley called.
    They all turned to her expectantly. “The guy I tackled said it was Ray Donovan. He’s the one who made the fliers and pays the bills,” she said.
    Lucas grumbled a string of curses and shoved back from the table, slamming out the front door with a bang. Delilah jumped and stared after him. “Is he okay?” she asked, but Nash waved it off.
    “He’s fine. Just give him some space,” Nash said, but they were all looking at Jake. He knew they were waiting to see how he’d react to the name. But he couldn’t feel a damned thing right now. His insides were strangely numb. He’d always suspected this day would come. He’d never thought about who would be standing next to him in the line of fire when it did.
    Xavier and Jake shared a hard look as the name sank in, and Delilah huffed. “Obviously, you know the name. Does someone want to fill me in?”
    Nash cleared his throat. “Ray is Jake’s foster dad. Lived with him between junior and senior year of high school before he cut out early after Ray was arrested. Xavier’s dad rented him a room at the Lodge while the courts emancipated him and he’s been with us ever since.”
    “Ray’s a bad guy,” Delilah said, and Nash nodded.
    Harley snorted but didn’t offer any more than that.
    Xavier picked up the story, his eyes trained on Jake the whole time. Jake knew what his alpha was doing. Asking if this was okay, to tell her all of this. He didn’t stop it, but he was still reeling too much to give him the go-ahead. Or tell it himself. “Ray’s anti-shifter all the way. Jake had to hide his bear, but one night Ray found out, and he lost it. All hell broke loose. Jake took the brunt of it for a while, and it messed with him, but Ray’s not going to be satisfied until all the shifters are out of here.”
    “I don’t get it. Why is he just now stirring up trouble if he’s had it out for you

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