Bound By Desire (The Acadian Curse)
the strength of her
determination that kept her from the edge. But how long could her
resolve last?
    “Please. Please may I come?”
    “No,” he said through clenched teeth. “Not
    He pivoted so that her back crashed into the
wall behind her. She cried out in both surprise and frustration. If
she moved an inch, if she shook too hard, the rough texture of the
wall would abrade her back.
    He picked up the pace, pounding into her with
an intensity that bordered on brutal.
    “Please, please, please.” Sarah was only half
aware of the words falling from her lips. A constant plea. A
    “Soon. Not yet,” he said, as breathless as
she was. He was just as close. If she could hold on just a little
    The strain of holding back became
    “Please, master, please!”
    “Yes,” he said. “Now.”
    Everything inside Sarah splintered,
fragmenting into a thousand shards of light. Her fingernails dug
into his skin, but he kept going, hammering into her. He kept
pushing her past the edge of reason until she went limp in his
    A moment later his primal roar deafened her.
A weightless flutter filled her belly as the creature pushed away
form the wall and crashed down to his knees. His cock pulsed deep
within her, again and again.
    Sarah had no idea how long they stayed like
that, clinging to each other, spent and exhausted on his basement
floor. After enough time had passed for the sweat on their bodies
to cool, he leaned over and drug one of the blankets that had
tumbled to the floor. He lay down and tucked her next to him. Sarah
settled her head on his outstretched arm. His other arm curled over
her possessively.
    She was his. The thought fluttered through
her mind as her eyes closed. If it had been any other time, any
other man, the idea would have terrified her. It would have had her
clawing and scratching to get away. But at that moment, nothing had
ever pleased Sarah more.

    Grant woke to the sound of the thick steel
bolt that had held the basement door closed sliding free. His eyes
popped open, but he was still surrounded by blackness.
    Of course he was. He’d broken the only bulb
last night. He’d done it so she wouldn’t be able to see him as he
stalked her from across the room, and so that all of her other
senses would be heightened when he took her.
    The memory stirred his sleeping cock, and it
pressed against the warm sleeping body nestled in his arms. Her
body fit against his perfectly. He couldn’t remember the last time
he’d slept so well. Not even the hard basement floor bothered him.
She had snuggled against him and fallen asleep almost instantly.
She’d trusted him. She’d been a fool.
    Grant knew better than anyone that the
monster that lurked in the men of his family couldn’t be trusted.
It was just a matter of time before something went wrong.
Hedonistic beasts were not known for their control after all.
    Except that last night he had. Grant had
never allowed the cursed creature inside him even a taste of
pleasure. It had taken every ounce of resolve he possessed not to
come inside her with that first thrust. Somehow he had held on
until she had orgasmed…twice.
    “That’s a hell of a way to wake a girl up.”
Sarah’s groggy whisper sounded louder than it was in the silent
room. She wiggled her ass and Grant realized how hard his cock had
become. “Not that I’m complaining.”
    Grant got up and headed for the door. He
pulled it open a crack and a sliver of light sliced across the
floor and illuminated Sarah’s face. She raised an arm to shield her
    He felt a strange clutch in the vicinity of
his heart as he looked down at her. She clutched the blanket to her
chest with her free hand. There were a few faint red marks showing
on her wrists and shoulders.
    “I have a terrible feeling that I owe you
another breakfast,” he said.
    She smiled up at him, a wide, utterly
unselfconscious smile. Grant had never seen anyone look so
beautiful in his

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