Knight Moves: Merriweather Sisters Time Travel (Merriweather Sisters Time Travel Romance Book 2)

Free Knight Moves: Merriweather Sisters Time Travel (Merriweather Sisters Time Travel Romance Book 2) by Cynthia Luhrs

Book: Knight Moves: Merriweather Sisters Time Travel (Merriweather Sisters Time Travel Romance Book 2) by Cynthia Luhrs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Luhrs
didn’t say anything. It was true. Her money was in her coat pocket somewhere in the castle…over seven hundred years from now.
    “The dress looks lovely.”
    She touched the soft wool. It was a heather gray and made her feel like she didn’t stick out so much. There was a belt with a small pouch hanging from it. Melinda put the coins inside, once again wishing for pockets.
    She thanked him.  
    “Walk with me?”
    He took her hand, drawing it through the crook of his elbow, then stiffened, as if she wouldn’t want to take his arm. And that was when she thought he must have been sexy and charming before the accident. Sure of himself. He was still sexy, and she could see charm buried underneath his frown. Now he seemed to hide behind the scars and a grumpy demeanor.
    James started to pull away, but she pulled on his elbow. “I saw the blacksmith making something. Would you explain its purpose?”
    He looked relieved and pulled her along. Aunt Pittypat was right. When in doubt, ask a man to talk about himself or explain something. Worked every time. Melinda trotted to keep up. It was weekly market day. It was fun to see so many people and explore the vendors and goods.
    James didn’t say much. She felt awful when they passed a couple of pretty teenage girls and they shrank back. He stiffened, and Melinda could almost see the black mood hovering above his head.
    He bought her a few ribbons to tie back her hair. She exclaimed over the dried and candied fruit, and he bought her candied cherries.  
    “These are so good. Sure you don’t want one?”
    He didn’t smile, but didn’t look as cranky. “It pleases me to see you smile.”
    “Lord Falconburg?”
    James turned to one of his knights. Melinda nibbled the cherries and eyed a merchant selling fabrics.
    “I take my leave of you.”
    She watched him go. They hadn’t discussed why she was here yet. From the looks of things, he was in constant demand. He’d get to her eventually. In the meantime, she hadn’t found anyone that knew Lucy. The plan to go to Blackford was the best idea she had. Now to get up the courage to ask James for a horse and help getting there.
    Melinda went inside to the kitchens to find the two girls who’d been assigned to help her. She wanted to give them the rest of the candied cherries. While she still didn’t have a good feel for the cost of things, she gathered they were expensive because of the sugar. The girls would love them.
    “Mistress Merriweather.” The cook handed her a roll, hot from the oven. Melinda put a bit of butter on it and sat at the table to eat, enjoying the warmth after being outside.
    She was almost finished when a man ambled in. Melinda knocked a bowl off the table, the pottage splattering across the floor. A dog darted in, licking up the mess. With a shaking finger, she pointed at the man’s neck.
    “Where did you get that?”

Chapter Eleven

    Melinda chased the poor man out of the kitchen and into the courtyard. She had to weave in between the crowds to keep up with him. As he turned the corner, she reached out and snatched his cloak.
    “I’m so sorry, but I have to know, where did you get the scarf?”
    The man looked nervous. What? Did he think she’d strike him? She smiled and stepped back a pace. He visibly relaxed.
    “From Lady Blackford. She made it for me after she saw me admiring a brightly colored scarf the stable master wore. She’s been teaching others to make them. Now they’re sold at the weekly market at the castle.” He fingered the end of the scarf. “’Tis very warm.”
    “Wait. Blackford? As in Blackford Castle?”
    The man nodded, grinning at her as he stroked the beautiful gray scarf. “Don’t know of any other Lady Blackford.”
    “Lady Blackford. When did you see her last?”
    The man tapped his finger against his chin, thinking. His face brightened. “’Twas a few months ago, lady. Do you know the Lady of Blackford?”
    Melinda thought she was going to pass out. Was

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