Quiver (a Suspenseful Romance Novel)

Free Quiver (a Suspenseful Romance Novel) by Emilia Beaumont

Book: Quiver (a Suspenseful Romance Novel) by Emilia Beaumont Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emilia Beaumont
into my longing and hungry mouth. I sucked his thick finger eagerly, sampled my own tangy nectar and juices, as he continued to spear me from behind.
    No one objected to our display. Instead, the watchers moved, edging their way slightly closer for a better view.
    Their eyes penetrated my body all over, and I watched as their gaze followed my other hand. It burrowed through my short curls to rub over my throbbing clit.
    A mere stone’s throw away, I made eye-contact with a bespectacled man, the edge of his frames glinting. He copied my motion and moved his hand towards his crotch, where I could see the outline of his cock. I blew him a kiss and squeezed and lifted my tits, placing one nipple in my mouth, nibbling and licking at it, all the while maintaining eye-contact with him.
    My eyes closed as Eric let loose a furious cry of pleasure. I felt him burst within me, the ripples surging in me and causing me to cry out as my body shook. Spasms quaked within me so violently as I came, I thought I was going to split at the seams.

    “ P ass me my bag , would you please?” I requested, as I struggled to get my top back on and tried to flatten my wild, tangled hair.
    Our watchers had made a hasty exit while we weren’t looking. I’m not sure how I would’ve reacted if they’d stayed. But I was glad we were now alone.
    “What the hell do you have in here? It weighs a ton,” he asked, his arm outstretched like the prong of a crane holding a swaying, heavy burden.
    “Actually, there’s something in there for you. Take a look.” I was grateful that he’d had the foresight to bring it with him when he’d carried me unconscious from the office to the snooker hall.
    He shrugged and sat down on the seats besides me. To my disappointment, he was back to being fully dressed. I planned to rectify that as soon as possible.
    Resting the bag upon his thighs, he seemed reluctant to check inside, as if were a trap.
    Gingerly he reached in and fished around. He grew still when his flesh came in contact with the cold, hard, distinctive shape of the gun.
    He took it out and asked, “Where… Max’s office?”
    I nodded. “Yeah, in a hidden drawer. There was also a ledger or diary in there with it, too.”
    “Wait, how do you know Max?” I asked, puzzled.
    Ignoring me, he checked his back pocket and withdrew a bar-rag. He wrapped the gun safely within its cotton folds.
    “What’s in the ledger? Did you look?” he asked, now searching the depths of the leather bag eagerly.
    “I don’t know… I didn’t have a chance to look, what with the hiding and being scared out of my mind,” I replied, keeping my face dead-pan.
    Finding his prize, he bent his head over the open pages of the ledger, squinting at the small, hand-printed script. The sound of crisp pages being flipped echoed around the room. He stopped and scanned a page, reading a line over and over again. “Gotcha.” He grinned, causing his eyes to sparkle like the ripples of a lake when a sunrise hits. I could bathe all day in those sea-blue eyes.
    Eric suddenly leaned over and kissed me fully on the mouth, too quickly; I didn’t have the chance to enjoy it. Careful not to the let the book fall, he caressed my cheek with his free hand. I tilted my head towards his stroking fingers. I savoured every pass, knowing it wouldn’t last.
    “You have to go to the police,” he said, spoiling the moment.
    “Wait, why? I’ll just quit. I don’t need to go back there.”
    “If you quit, they’ll know it was you who took the gun and the book, and they’ll come after you.”
    “If I go to the police, they’ll definitely know it was me,” I countered.
    “The police would protect you, at least.”
    “I don’t know anything,” I protested, shaking my head. “Obviously, the whole business is shady, but…”
    “You stole from them. You don’t understand,” he said, pacing. “These are dangerous people. You don’t mess with the Quadrello family.”

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