Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series)

Free Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series) by Cyndi Harris

Book: Lucien's Hell Bound Angel (Hell Bound Series) by Cyndi Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Harris
Did I get you in trouble?” he asked.

“I just—”
    “Look Princess, I overheard you talking to whoever and I felt guilty because it was my fault Hazel got killed. Now you can do your job and protect her.” He offered and her heart softened toward him.
    How could a demon be so—so— considerate? He had saved Hazel for her.
    “Protect you.” She mumbled correcting him.
    “What?” he asked.
    “Nothing.” She answered.
    “I’m gonna get out of your hair and find Dezmon.” He said trying to get up, but he nearly toppled over.
    “Stay.” She said pushing him back against her pillow.
    “I’ve caused you enough trouble Princess. Plus, I’m running out of time.”
    “Time for what? What’s your business with Dezmon?” she inquired.
    Swallowing hard, he contemplated telling her the truth but didn’t know a thing about her.
    “ Lemme ask you some questions.” He spat and she reluctantly nodded.
    “Who are you? Why are you after Dezmon?”
    “Name’s Athena and I’m a— Guardian— so to speak. Dezmon’s on a list and he was after—my Charge. I needed to protect her.” She said trying not to give away too much.
    She was after all trying to figure things out because the pieces to the puzzle didn’t fit.
    “That much I knew.” He snapped.
    “As did I know about you when you answered my questions.” She smiled smugly and he ground his teeth irritated.
    “I don’t have time for this.” He said gathering what was left of his strength and shooting to his feet.
    Grabbing his shirt off the chair, he stumbled instead and instantly felt Athena’s arms catch him. She had been steadfast on his heels and had no intention of letting him out o f her sight. Turning to her, his breath got caught in his throat. As much as he wanted to blame it on the way he was feeling, that wasn’t it. She was absolutely gorgeous. Her violet eyes were radiant, so much so that he moved a little closer to her. He moved close enough to hear her blood rushing through very veins.
    “ You’re weak, you should be in bed.” She insisted trying to walk him back over to the bed, but he tugged away.
    “That won’t help me.” He grumbled grumpily.
    “Nonsense.” She smiled slightly and he couldn’t understand her new found generosity towards him.
    “ You really have no clue what I am, do you?” he chuckled.
    “As you say, you’re a demon.”
    “You do know demons feed off—”
    “Blood.” She whispered feeling foolish.
    How could she have forgotten that tad bit? Not only did they feed on blood, demons that were fatally wounded needed extra blood to recover quickly. That explained his slow recovery the night before and she guessed that he needed it now after doing whatever he did to save Hazel.
    “Yeah, so…” he said knowing that that tad bit of information would get her to realize why they were at odds in the first place.
    “Can’t you just— rest like before?” she insisted hoping to keep him from attacking someone innocent.
    “I’m running out of time!” he shouted pulling away from her and nearly toppling over again.
    Again, she clutched him as he fell into the nape of her neck. The smell of her blood was overwhelming, especially since he hadn’t had any in forever. His fangs emerged as his eyes lit up bright red. Heaving heavily, he pulled her closer and felt her body quiver in his arms. He couldn’t tell if it was in desire or fear. But one thing was certain, if she knew his intentions, it would’ve been in fear. 
    Without another thought, his mouth was on her throat and he began to run his tongue along it. A moan escaped her as she held him back and he pushed her up against the wall, careful enough to keep her from seeing his true appearance. In the next instant, his soft scorching lips were on her delicate ones, igniting a fire deep within her. Opening her mouth, he slipped his tongue in.
    Half expecting a forked tongue, she was surprised to feel nothing of that sort. He moaned in

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