Awakening - Book of Fire (Blood Heritage #1)

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Book: Awakening - Book of Fire (Blood Heritage #1) by Krista Gray-Fee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krista Gray-Fee
what just happened. The visions have never come outside of dreams before and most are more like memories than premonitions. This time she worries it is happening right now, and there is nothing that will change it.
    The woman's words echo in her head as she tries to extinguish the heaviness of the emotions attaching themselves to her. She can't shake the sickness in her stomach and in her heart. She has just witnessed a woman sacrificing herself to save her unborn child, she is sure of it. She has been granted her wish, God or whoever listens took her life in place of her son. What a cruel hand has been dealt to this poor woman and her loving husband.
    Rissa making an espresso, explains to the customer that Amber hasn't been feeling well. This simple explanation seems to appease her curiosity and unease over the scene. She pays for her coffee with a bit of small talk and a smile. " Get better soon ," she says to Amber on her way out the door.
    Amber isn't really paying attention and gives her a nod of politeness. She knows she must look as white as a ghost, her cheeks feeling cold and she feels emotionally drained completely dry. I am some kind of crazy...Some kind of freak...I guess I have always known I am wrong somehow...How do I make it go away? how do I not let that...whatever it is... happen again? She punishes herself with self-deprecating thoughts, and her eyes reveal her sadness.
    Amber has tears in her eyes as Rissa approaches. Taking Amber by the hand, she says, “The sight darling, you have the sight. You’re not crazy... you’re not wrong...You’re special! You have a gift many people wish they could have...You see things that are hidden! You feel ripples in the fabric of time and fate. You know when something is tampered with, or offsets the balance, the universal energy shows you. Only you have the ability to set things to the way they are intended to be. Sometimes things you see will be of the past, sometimes they will be happening as you see them, and sometimes they will be of the future and you will have an opportunity to put things into motion that change the outcome. You will become a Watcher too when you are ready, you were born into it."
    Rissa is shocked at how powerfully the sight has taken hold of Amber, she has seen many that can do it, but never with such vivid detail and never has anyone who feels the emotions of the person within the vision. The sight has always been a passive trait, one that gives hints and glimpses into possibilities, not a television quality replay of events. Amber is truly a powerful player in this game. Rissa worries about what the future holds for them, for the Circle, and for the world.
    Amber is not sure why she doesn't feel like this crazy talk is actually crazy at all. Somehow it all makes sense in a twilight zone kind of way. She understands there is something different about her, and though she often tries to ignore it and pretends it is nothing, she knows deep down it is something she will have to learn to live with. What will people think of her if she keeps fainting in public? What a spectacle she must be when the visions take hold. They used to happen when she was already asleep or upon waking, but to have them encroaching on her waking hours as well? At least Rissa doesn't think she is crazy. Kind of funny her ending up here, with this friend who understands her completely. Fate has a way of making things interesting.
    "Did you happen to notice if there was a clock anywhere in the room when you had your vision? That would give us a hint as to whether it has already happened or not? If it hasn't there is a chance we can get her to go to the hospital and be more prepared when the time comes. Visions are not set in stone, different choices can change the outcome. Sometimes I like to think of them as crossroads. One direction leads to what you see, and the other leads to another reality altogether. Though the second option is an unknown

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