Awakening - Book of Fire (Blood Heritage #1)

Free Awakening - Book of Fire (Blood Heritage #1) by Krista Gray-Fee

Book: Awakening - Book of Fire (Blood Heritage #1) by Krista Gray-Fee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krista Gray-Fee
all of them ended up staying. I could not have children of my own, but I have plenty of love to give. Why do you ask?"
    James pauses a moment before replying. "I’m looking for her father, and would like to ask him some questions, do you know who he is?"
    "No, I’m sorry, we don't know who her mother is either, all our children are closed adoptions. They don’t share any information regarding where the kids come from."
    "Do you have the attorney information, who handled her case?"
    "Not off-hand, but I can see if I can find her original paperwork from when she was brought to us. Elizabeth was an emergency foster, she was supposed to live with us temporarily while child services found a suitable home for her, but we just fell in love with her beautiful big blue eyes, we knew she was something special from the moment we laid eyes on her. She was smart and polite from her very first words. She learned quickly and was extremely affectionate. Whatever happened to make her available for adoption had not affected her personality at all. So many of the children are emotionally damaged and insecure. She was our little angel. Perfect in every way. When they told us six months later that she had been released for adoption we immediately petitioned for permanent custody. She was doing so well in our home that they made it permanent that same month. There were no objections and no one else attempted to take her from us. Actually she was the easiest of our children to finalize. I'm not sure how any of this is relevant?"
    James waits a respectful moment. "I would like to speak with your husband too if that’s possible."
    "I’m sorry, he passed away a few months ago, he had a stroke, and died at the hospital four hours later. He took Elizabeth’s disappearance really hard, and I think it was really a broken heart that took him from us. He never was the same after she disappeared. Well at least now I know she’s not out there suffering anymore, she has found her place beside God and no one can hurt her ever again. I hope I have been of some help to you, I know I did not give you much, but please feel free to take the journals with you and anything else that you think might help. My door is always open. Just find out what happened to my baby!"
    "Thank you, I would like to take some things from her room, I am just going to get an evidence box. Please feel free to come in and help me sort through."
    James spends the bulk of the afternoon getting to know who Elizabeth was and how she lived. The papers, notes, photographs and journals he finds are placed in the box for review. He will know everything there is to know about this girl, and he will find whoever killed her. Elizabeth’s mother tells him, " if they find the baby she will gladly care for her grandchild. " She walks out to the car with him and thanks him for spending so much time with her, saying; " at least it feels like you actually care about what happened and that makes me feel some semblance of hope that justice may be served."

Don't Close Your Eyes
    Amber has to run part of the way to make it to work on time. The weather has returned to its previous glory and she is exhilarated when she walks through the door. She must look happy because Rissa gives her a huge grin and says, "tell me everything!"
    "Oh, there really isn't much to tell… I fell asleep on him and we were both nearly late for work."
    "You slept together already? Isn't this only your second date?"
    "Well, technically I think it might actually be our first date. The rest has been unplanned happenstance. And technically we slept together, but we didn't "sleep" together as you put it. It was innocent. Not that I haven’t thought about it"… Amber winks and the girls sit down together enjoying their morning coffee. The store is open but it’s turning out to be a slow morning.
    Amber takes the opportunity to ask Rissa about the pendant her grandmother

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