You Belong To Me

Free You Belong To Me by Ursula Dukes

Book: You Belong To Me by Ursula Dukes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ursula Dukes
    “No, we both cooled down and he left for work. Shay it was nice though, I thought I had lost my desire but oh no, he's totally bringing it out of me.”
    “Well good that’s what supposed to happen Danielle.”
    “I know. I'm just so surprised at how quickly the feelings appeared.”
    “Well you know Dee, for some people it takes months, years even to fall in love and for others, it only takes a look or a glance and they know. Everyone’s different, so stop doubting it and go with it.”
    “Your right Shay. I'm a little nervous about tonight though.”
    “Don’t be, just relax. Go with the flow, you’re a great cook; just treat it like a normal everyday thing. Although I think if you burned up all the food in your kitchen Mitch would still eat ev ery bit of it because it was burnt by you,” Shayla joked.
    “I’ll remember that and let you know if that happens, and it just might, especially if he kisses me the way he does,” Danielle grinned.
    She sent the old man to do the bank deposit huh? Staying in side to talk with her stupid silly friend Shayla no doubt. I'm going to have to teach her a lesson as well; no one is going to keep her away from me.  It's time for Shayla to disappear; it's time for her to have some kind of accident. Don’t worry Danielle; I'm going to get all the people who are standing in our way of being together out of the picture once and for all. You leave it to me, we'll be together sooner rather than later, especially once Shayla is gone. Once she is gone, the boyfriend will go too. Then all that will be standing in the way will be that Neanderthal and he's no match for me. I'll save him for last because I want him to suffer the most . Ethan put his car in reverse, backed out of the hidden driveway he was parked in and drove away, he had a plan to carry out, an awful plan.
    Mitch showed up promptly at six pm to collect Danielle. “Hey babe, how was your day?”
    “It was actually very nice thank you, no surprises. How was yours?”
    “Well if you don’t count the fact that I thought about kissing you all day, it was great. But boy did my guys give me grief.”
    “Oh?” Danielle started laughing. “I bet they did.”
    “You have no idea. It's been so long since they’ve seen me acting so cheerful, they knew something was up. They know the dazed look that all us guys get when we’re falling in love.”
    Upon hearing that, Danielle was taken by surprise. “Oh falling in love huh?”
    “Yes Danielle,” he said with a hopeful glance.
    “I know how you feel," she said with a smile.”
    A half hour later, with Mitch pushing the grocery cart and Danielle filling it, things felt so natural between them. It was as if they'd been doing this for a very long time. “What would you like to eat tonight Mitch?”
    Mitch, with his eyes full of lust said, “I could think of a couple things I’d li ke to eat Danielle. Food only being one of them.”
    “Mitch,” she whispered. And looking around said, “People might hear.”
    “So? They shouldn’t be listening.”
    “Your right babe.”
    “Anything you cook will be fine Danielle, anything at all.”
    “I think I've got enough let's head back to my place,” she said while giving him a kiss.
    Before he even backed out of the driveway where he was hiding, Ethan had come up with a plan to once again show Danielle that he meant business and that he could get to her anytime he wanted. And as he drove towards her house he planned to do just that, go inside her house and get to her, not physically. No, not yet, but emotionally. Knowing that she would be still working, Ethan arrived at her house at around five pm.
    Even though the weather was unseasonably warm and humid for the month of May, no one in the neighborhood was out. Everyone stays in on humid days, thought Ethan; they all stay in their air conditioned homes. A/c is good, it blocks out lots of exterior noises, he thought to himself as he broke out one of the

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