Barbara Graham - Quilted 05 - Murder by Sunlight
along the same lines. Tony was positive a minimum of one person was lying about the surfing incident. Lies made him think maybe it hadn’t been an accident and the two remaining parties were in collusion.
    “Maybe we could ship off the shoes and check for matching prints.” Wade climbed onto one of the tires and leaned forward, moving his head to catch a different angle of light on the roof. “Spotless.”
    The pristine condition of the paint and the damp spots near the tires made Tony think “just washed.”
    “Say, Sheriff, are you thinking we done somethin’ illegal?” L.L. craned his neck, keeping a close eye on Wade. “News to me.”
    “I’m sure it is illegal to let someone ride, standing or ‘surfing’ on your moving vehicle. And even more stupid than illegal, if it’s possible. I think I’d better consult Archie. Our prosecutor will want to be kept apprised of this one.”
    Tony punched speed dial. He left a message with Archie’s overworked secretary, Clare. She was a force to be dealt with and didn’t believe in wasting time. Their conversation lasted less than ten seconds. Clare was approximately a hundred years old and weighed maybe a hundred pounds. Tony suspected she had no home. Why would she need one? She never seemed to leave the office. He’d bet she kept her wardrobe in one of the file drawers.
    Tony didn’t even have his phone put away when Archie called him back.
    “Sheriff, I’ve got to tell you it ought to be illegal to be that stupid. It’s bad enough, what I hear some of the things people will do in the so-called name of fun.” Archie sounded like he was jogging as he talked. “Standing on a moving car. That’s about the second dumbest thing I’ve heard of lately.”
    Tony wasn’t sure he could handle hearing about number one, but asked anyway. “What’s one?”
    “Ghost riding.” Now Archie’s breaths came in gusts.
    “Are you running?” Tony couldn’t visualize Archie moving fast enough to muss his hair.
    “Late for an appointment.” Archie wheezed. “I’m in Atlanta.”
    “Just give me the short version of the dumbest. What is ghost riding?”
    “Well, it’s the scariest for the rest of us anyway. The driver climbs out of his own car and onto the roof while it’s moving down the road.”
    “No driver?” Tony remembered seeing something about this on the Internet. He’d chalked it up to stunt drivers.
    “You know what they use to stop the car?” Archie’s voice was suddenly very loud and easy to understand, making Tony think he’d arrived at his destination.
    Tony thought Archie sounded frightened. “A passenger?”
    “Nope. It’s usually a ditch or a tree or another car.” Archie said. “Car surfing or ghost riding falls under the subsection of unlawful riding or towing, I think. Going back to your case, do you think the driver knew the rider was there? If so, everything would change.”
    “ ’Cause he’d be in charge of the vehicle and moving and steering it.” Archie started speaking so quickly, it sounded like one long word. “If he didn’t know someone was on the truck, the fault falls on the passenger. It wouldn’t be as effective a form of suicide as throwing yourself under a train, but . . . well, no matter how this comes out, I’m going to sum it up as criminally stupid.” He disconnected.
    Tony stared at his cell phone but wasn’t really focused on it. This was a mess, and he suspected it was not going to disappear.
    Tony was startled when Wade tapped on the door frame. “Come in.”
    “I’ve been checking on Not Bob.” Wade’s expression was serious. “They airlifted him to Knoxville. His condition is considered grave.”
    Tony felt his eyebrows lift. “Which means?”
    “According to Grace, it means he can still go either way. Evidently his blood loss was extraordinary, and there is no way he would have survived if Sheila had arrived a minute later or ran after the assailant. If he lives, she saved his

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