on until she
couldn’t rant and rave any more. When she threw herself back into
the bed she waited silently as tears ran down her cheeks, Ryker
spoke softly, “I am here, because Ned called me. I know you didn’t
ask me to come, but I am here now. We are not in your motel room;
you were in no shape to be left there to tend to yourself. As for
the handling the situation love, I think you were doing great up
until last night! The man Cullen is dead I killed him one bullet to
the head took care of him. Since I am here now, I am staying as for
lending you a hand if you want it fine I’ll help, if not fine, I
have another job to do! There is no phone in this cabin we are
staying in and your gun is under the mattress on your right.”
sitting up Thena was glad she could not see Ryker’s face with some
self satisfied smirk on it. Or the, I told you so look! Truth was
there was no smirk or I told you so look, just a worried frown.
Thena laid back down in bed she felt defeated, tired, warn out, and
half dead inside. Come to think of it she felt half dead inside
since her and Ryker split a year a go, she was not going to tell
him that. Here she was twenty six years old and she felt like a
hundred years old. Thena turned on her side and shut out the
    Then it
crossed her mind what day it was. She turned in bed and smiled,
“Ryker,” when he walked into the room Thena sat up, “Happy birthday
Ryker your thirty today. I hope you have many more, “With that
Thena laid back down turned on to her side and shut out the world
and tried to fall a sleep. Sleep would not come easy not with Ryker
in the same cabin. Thena felt desire shoot through her body but was
too weak to do much about it.
    “Ryker smiled,
she had remembered it was his birthday, Ryker slipped out of the
cabin locked the door walked down to the local store purchase some
groceries, two candles and two candle holders, a box of chocolates,
an apple pie stopped at the liquor store and purchased a bottle of
wine! Ryker walked back to the cabin unlocked the door and walked
in. Closed the door behind him and started dinner for the two of
them. When the steaks were cooked both loved them medium done, wine
opened, salad and mashed potatoes and sweet corn he walked to the
    Thena looked a
lot better, her eyes were not swollen shut any longer, but they
were a beautiful color of reds, purples, yellow and even black,
more then likely still tender. Her color was extremely pale and
didn’t like the pasty look she had about her. It was not just her
face but her arms and legs as well. He walked to the bed; Thena
wake up love dinner is ready. Thena had slept the better part of
the day away.
    Thena turned
onto her back from her side and looked up at Ryker; he was still so
handsome her heart skipped a few beats. His smile warmed her heart,
and she felt warm between the legs, desire shot through her body.
She wanted him, yet was so scared to let him know her desires for
him still ran strong with in her body. Her body remembered the
satisfaction Ryker could give her. The long hours of love making;
and her body demanding more, what was she to do now with these
feelings racing through her body?
    “Come dinner
is ready your steak is getting cold.” Ryker said with a big smile
as if he had read her mind. He had not but his mind was racing
along the same lines of thinking. And his shaft was growing hard.
Dismissing the uncomfortable feelings he waited for Thena.
    “Slowly Thena
moved the covers from her and slid her legs over the side of the
bed. She sat for a moment feeling dizzy then got up. Ryker took her
by the arm and led her to the table. When she was seated he put
wine in her glass, lit the candles turned down the lights, served
up steak, potatoes and corn. Thena said little at the table almost
scared to say anything it might ruin the dinner. Ryker talked on
about jobs he had done over the year, he didn’t mention any girl
friends and Thena would not ask. He

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