Getting a Life

Free Getting a Life by Chrissie Loveday

Book: Getting a Life by Chrissie Loveday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chrissie Loveday
so. Thanks for asking.'
    For the following half hour, she was dancing solidly with one then the other of Mike's Aussie relatives. Dancing was maybe a rather loose term but she enjoyed herself and hardly stopped laughing the whole time. She went to the bar for something to drink and immediately, Mike came to join her.
    'Are you all right?' he asked. 'Need saving from the rellies? I gather that's what I have to call them. You know, Aussie style.'
    'I'm fine actually, thanks. That Jacob is quite a character isn't he?'
    'I suppose so. I didn't like the way he commandeered you though.'
    'Jealous, are we?'
    'Naturally. I want you all to myself.'
    'Sorry. You can have me for at least the next five minutes.'
    'Thanks a bunch,' he laughed. 'Come and dance with me then.'
    'Let me finish my orange juice and I'll be right there.'
    She finished it and they went to dance. Luckily, it was a slower number and she snuggled close to him. The smooched their way round floor and ended standing still, a million miles away from the party.
    'I love you Mike Thomas,' she whispered so quietly that he didn't hear her.
    'What did you say?'
    'Nothing. Just how much I enjoyed that dance.'
    Me too. I could dance with you forever and still have room for more.'
    'How romantic,' she whispered.
    The party went on till almost midnight. At which point, Mr Thomas called on everyone to make sure they had something in a glass to toast the New Year.
    'Get ready for the countdown,' he instructed. Everyone joined in together and raised their glasses at midnight.
    'Kiss me,' Mike said to her. She did.
    Various people began to leave once the midnight celebrations were over. The younger ones stayed on and Joanne was asked to dance again by the various family members. For once, she forgot her shyness and enjoyed dancing and whirling round. Mike cut in on the deal and took her hands and danced around with her once more.
    'Are you ready to leave?' he asked.
    'If you want to. I'm happy with that.'
    'I'll take you home then. It is after one o'clock. Time for all good girls to be tucked up in their beds.'
    'Hey Mike, you're not ducking out already are you?' Jacob asked him. 'Not taking that lovely woman away with you are you?'
    'Fraid so. I have to take Joanne back to her home. It's way past her bedtime.'
    'Aw shucks. I can't believe you actually have a bedtime.'
    'Oh believe me, I do.' She was laughing at the innuendo and leaned over to kiss him.
    'Thanks. You two make a lovely pair. I guess we'll all be invited back to the wedding before too long.'
    'Not for a long time,' Mike informed him. 'But if we do get married, I promise you'll be on top of the list. You ready, Darling?'
    'Oh yes. I think so. Bye. It's been great to meet you all.'
    'Sorry if I dragged you away,' Mike told her on their way back to her house.
    'Not at all. I was ready to leave. I felt I did my bit for Australian/ UK relationships.'
    'You certainly did. Jacob would have loved to come back home with you. I could see by the way he was coming on to you.'
    'I hardly noticed,' she teased him. He looked at her.
    'Come off it. You must have noticed.'
    'I was teasing you. Of course I noticed. But I wanted to come back home with you. Nobody else.'
    'Shut up.' He stopped the car outside her house. 'Come here woman.' He leaned over and kissed her once more. She shut up for all of five minutes.
    'Do you want a coffee?' she asked him when she resurfaced.
    'Wouldn't say no.'
    'Come on in then. And please, behave yourself. This is a quiet street,' she giggled.
    He followed her to the door and waited to be let in. They went into the sitting room and sat down on the comfy sofa.
    'Coffee?' he asked.
    'Sorry. Yes of course. I'll go and make it.'
    'I'll come with you. Can't trust you with the coffee pot on your own.' He followed her into the kitchen and stood close to her as she put on the kettle. 'Know something? I don't really want any coffee after all.' He caught her into his arms and once more, the world stopped turning.

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