
Free Redemption by Lillian Duncan

Book: Redemption by Lillian Duncan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lillian Duncan
Tags: Christian fiction
    He shouldn’t have left the woman he loved alone with Ryan Mattson. If something happened, it would be his fault. He was her partner, and it was his job to protect her. Enrique wanted so much more than a superficial relationship with Jamie. He wanted to take care of her for the rest of her life. But she wouldn’t give him a second chance. He heard a vehicle approaching and lifted the curtain.
    Ryan’s car.
    He dropped the curtain and jumped into the closet just in case Mattson came in. He doubted Jamie would invite him in, but Mattson was a man. And Jamie was so beautiful.
    The closet smelled like mothballs. He kept quiet only his breath moving the air.
    Jamie’s mind sifted through the possibilities. Should she make the break with Ryan now in the hopes the number she found would lead to Andrew? But if she left, she wouldn’t have a second chance at getting information on Zinkleman’s location. She sighed and reached over to touch Ryan’s hand resting between them. “I got bad news when I talked with my mom. I’m going to have to leave.”
    “You’re kidding me. You just got here.”
    “I know, but it can’t be helped.”
    “What’s the problem?”
    “It’s my grandmother. She broke her hip and needs some help. Mama wants me to come home and stay with her for a while.”
    “But I thought you hated that place.”
    “I do, but I love my grandmother.” She gave a philosophical shrug. “Besides, family is family.”
    “I suppose.” He pulled in the drive and stopped. “So, what? This is it?”
    “My mother’s sending me the money to get a ticket. I’m going to take the bus home tomorrow. I’m sorry it worked out this way, Ryan. But you never know. I really like Columbus. When my grandmother’s better…well, you never know.”
    “Columbus, or me? “ He leaned over to kiss her, but she turned her cheek. “Call me if you decide to come back.”
    “Oh, most definitely.” She patted his hand and stepped out of the car.
    “Hey, don’t forget your candy bars.”
    “Hold on a minute. I want to give you something, too.” Before he could ask what, she ran to the motel door, unlocked it and slipped in. A moment later, she ran back out. She handed him the black book in her hand. “It’s the Bible.”
    His eyes widened.
    “First read John 3:16, and then Romans 10:9. If you need some more information, go to the concordance and look up the verses about God’s love and salvation. It will give you the answers you’re searching for, Ryan. I’m sure of it.”
    He stared down at the book. “I...I...I’m shocked. I don’t know what to say. Nobody ever gave me a Bible before.”
    “You don’t have to say anything. Just read it. I pray you find the answers you’re searching for.”
    “How do you know I’m searching for anything?”
    “It takes one to know one.” She smiled as she picked up the bag of candy bars and soda.
    “But it seems a little suspicious to me.”
    Her heart dropped. She needed him to believe her story about going back home to help out her grandmother. “What does?’
    “You won’t drink beer because of the calories, but it doesn’t stop you from eating chocolate in any form.”
    She almost sighed with relief. Instead, she smiled and gave him a wink. “That’s because you’re not a woman.”

    Enrique had no idea what Jamie was doing.
    The door had squeaked open and she ran in as if the devil was chasing her. Before he could show himself, she ran back out.
    He waited to make sure she was alone and hadn’t invited Ryan Mattson in. Enrique refused to entertain thoughts about what such an invitation might mean.
    Jamie said she’d changed. He believed her.
    The door squeaked open for a second time. He only heard one person moving around and no voices. Light flooded the closet as he peeked through the crack of the door
    Jamie was alone.
    He stepped out. “Hi.”
    She swirled around, her foot aimed at his

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