Game of Temptation
arousal stirring within her.
    By the gods! He would take her, and the
elders could shove whatever they thought down their throats.
    "Arun…" she began breathlessly,
"I don't think…we should…"
    He did not want to hear any more and covered
her lips with his again. She responded, following his lead. The damn woman was
kissing him like it was her first time and it drove animalistic lust to rise
within him. Oh, her kissing was not bad. Definitely not bad.
    His kisses traced down her jaw and her neck
as he replaced the towel she was clutching with his own hand. The heat from her
body was unmistakable and her uncontrolled responses to him gave him
    "Arun…we cannot…" she sighed as
one hand traced just at the edges of her chest.
    "I do not see the problem," he
whispered and nibbled at her hear eliciting a whimper.
    "My father…and Orrin…" she tried
to explain breathlessly, "They would not approve." She moaned as he
suckled on her collarbone and branded her. His. "Arun? Please…I'm
    Arun stopped and pulled away, confused. He
looked into her eyes and found genuine fear. "What's wrong?"
    "I've never done this before. They say
it hurts the first time." She said quickly taking her hand and pulled the
towel to cover herself, her head bowed. "And I have always wanted my first
time to be with someone I marry."
    Arun felt like he was gutted. She was not
playing virginal. She did not have to because she was! He felt his insides
turn. What had he done to her? He had robbed her of her innocence and forced
himself on her. He was disgusted at himself – at what he had done to her. She
was fresh and saving herself for the one who would promise and dedicate their
whole lifetime to her. And he almost broke that purity. Perhaps not almost. He
    "I'm sorry," he croaked and shut
his senses. By the gods, he was despicable! But more importantly, his heart
twisted at the thought – was there someone waiting for her back in her kingdom?
He never knew if she was promised.
    Alethi stood to change and he turned away.
He was wicked and wretched already and he would not add to his sins. It must
have been a great effort to stay chaste for so long as a human, and he did not
think it was possible. But there she was. The object of his desires untouchable
but for the one she chooses to marry.
    "Arun?" he turned to her, pain
evident in her eyes. He steeled himself though the pain that stabbed at him
blaming him for causing her that pain. "This is a night we should both
forget," she continued, her voice steady, "Let us carry on, as
    He nodded, but knew he could not do that. He
could no longer touch her in her sleep or notice her arousal. No. It was no
longer going to be the usual situation for them.
    "Alethi," he said as they reached
his room. "There is something I need to say. It is about your country. But
perhaps I should tell you when you feel better." Arun shook himself
mentally for suddenly saying it. He should not have, but he was not thinking
    "No!" she said forcefully.
"Tell me now. I need to hear it. It has been too long. Is my father
    Arun thought of how he would say it, but his
prolonged silence made it clear to her.
    "Gods no!"

Chapter Ten
    It had been three days since she left
Rehanathi and she was several hours into Dosalam territory. She hated Arun for
keeping things from her, but she hated him even more for wanting to keep her
and break their agreement just because of rumors of Dosalam's massing of
    She knew her life would be in danger if she
went back, but she did not have to tell Arun that. It would only give him more
legitimacy to keep her. But she had to do something. She would never let that
bitch witch Niraya to take over Dosalam and ruin everything. She would not let
another massacre take place.
    One hope was still in her, though – Orrin.
Arun did not know if he was still alive, but Alethi was almost certain he still
was. The man was a pillar to all who can take arms

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