Mystical Circles
across Don again, and placed slender fingers upon Juliet’s wrist. “Don’t ask,” he begged. “It can wait till another day.”
    She gazed at him, mystified.  Why did he so dislike eating in front of other people? It didn’t add up. But worrying about it seemed futile.
    Craig meanwhile looked as if he was starting to draw himself inward.  James had raised his eyebrows. Juliet glanced from one to the other, her spirit of enquiry on full alert.
    It was left to Oleg to break the impasse. “If I can get into this place, anyone can.”
    “Why?” said James. “I considered you highly suitable, with your existential angst. Of course, your family’s escape across the Russian border years ago impressed me.”
    These words should have mellowed Oleg. Instead it was as if a knife with a serrated edge had slipped between him and the academic. Juliet looked at Oleg’s face. For one microsecond she could have sworn he hated James. Then the impression passed.
    She shifted position so she could also observe Beth, who’d so far remained silent. She wanted to see if Beth was reacting to Oleg in any way. But no, her eyes were on Craig. She was in love with him, Juliet had no doubt about that. Poor girl. What prospects did she have, with Zoe so ahead of the game? Her sister was chatting animatedly to Craig. Sparkling and pretty, Zoe had everything going for her to win first place in Craig’s affections.
    Suddenly Beth leaned back as Don became caught up in a conversation with Rory. She faced Juliet in a conspiratorial manner. Her eyes hardened, and she spoke in a low, tight voice. “When you interview us, Juliet, do hold off from asking us about our past won’t you?”
    “Why?” asked Juliet.
    “Because none of us here are supposed to remember it. Craig teaches us to cut ourselves off from that.”
    “But your background’s one of the first things my listeners will want to know about.”
    The colour of Beth’s face deepened. Juliet guessed that to be the effect of the wine. She decided to try the direct approach. “How do you feel about Craig, Beth?”
    Cold hostility glimmered in the girl’s eye. “What’s that to you?”
    “I’ve been invited here to ask questions,” said Juliet gently.
    Beth drained her glass of wine and refused to look at her again. Instead she switched her glance to Oleg, who’d left his seat at the end of the table, and come up to speak to her. She gave him full attention for the first time during the meal. He leaned down towards her, and laid his hand on hers. She jumped as if someone had laid hot metal on her bare flesh.
    He spoke in a low, urgent voice. “Why so nervous when I touch you, Beth? Relax.”
    Instead of having the desired effect, this seemed to destabilise her further. She pushed her chair back and sprang to her feet. “Goodbye, everyone.” With that, she headed round behind Juliet’s chair, whirled past The Lady and the Unicorn , and vanished through the doorway into the sitting room.
    Everyone turned to stare.
    “What did she mean by that?” asked Juliet. “She’s not leaving for good is she?”
    “Of course not.” Craig jumped up. “I’ll go and talk to her.” But before he followed, he met Juliet’s gaze. His expression was perfectly calm. “Remember,” he said. “We’re not responsible for how others choose to react to us.”
    His words hung in the silence. He walked out of the room. Everyone left at the table exchanged uncertain glances.

    Jealous Designs

    “Does James like dressing up as a woman? What an extraordinary question,” said Edgar, shooting a piercing glance at Juliet.
    “I don’t think so at all,” she rejoined, “from what I’ve learned of him so far.”
    They both sat in the oak-panelled library early the next morning. Rays of sunlight slanted through the diamond-paned windows. Juliet’s recording machine was between her and Edgar, and the microphone close to his mouth.
    “What about people of other nationalities?” she

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