Viking Claimed (Triad Series Book 4)

Free Viking Claimed (Triad Series Book 4) by Kate Pearce

Book: Viking Claimed (Triad Series Book 4) by Kate Pearce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Pearce
Tags: sci-fi historical
clear liquid.
    “You have taken other men like this?” Aki asked as he managed to slide one finger deep and then another.
    “Not quite like this.” Morek gasped. “You are my mate.” Morek’s thoughts blended seamlessly with Aki’s. “Do you feel that?”
    “Aye, as if we were two halves of the same coin? As if we were twins? Not that I have ever wanted to fuck Einarr.” Aki worked his fingers free and replaced them with his cock and felt Morek’s intense reaction shudder through his very bones. “That is…good.”
    He lifted Morek’s hips, driving himself deeper with every thrust until his entire mind and body was focused on the building pleasure in the other man. And then there was no divide between flesh or thoughts as need blended them into one being…
    Fighting alongside a fellow warrior and then fucking him hard simply because he was still alive to do so was a precious thing to Aki. He sensed it in Morek, too, the need to create something new and visceral between their two working bodies both striving for dominance. Two different blades forged from steel into one. Both knowing that with the need to be strong came the need to be held and loved. Because what were they fighting for, but to protect their loved ones?
    Eventually, Aki lay on his side, his knee resting on Morek’s belly and his hand tangled in his dark hair. The flames crackled and whispered and for one wonderful moment as he woke, Aki imagined he was back home…
    “ What’s wrong ?” Morek asked. “ What makes you sad ?”
    Aki unclenched his fingers and let out a soft breath. “I am more happy here with you in this Hakron village than I ever imagined I would be again. It is hard to wake up out of your time and find that your world has gone.”
    “What do you mean?” Morek came up on one elbow, his black hair tickling Aki’s chest.
    “My brother and I were frozen in ice for four thousand years by a magic spell that was only broken when the planets aligned and finally set us free.”
    “That is a long time.”
    “You look well on it.” Morek bent to kiss him. “And I thought Ungar and I had waited forever to meet our mates.”
    “It does not worry you?”
    “The fact that you are from another planet and are extremely old?” Morek kissed him again. “I do not care. All I know is that you fill my heart and that if you choose to stay with me I will always be content.”
    “You make it sound so simple.”
    “It is for me.”
    Aki sighed. “I am adrift from everything I know and everything that I took for granted. Where does your faith in me come from? I fear I have lost all mine.”
    Morek’s grey gaze strengthened. “You have survived against impossible odds to end up here with me. How can I not believe that the Oracle spoke the truth when you are present in my bed?”
    “How can you be so sure of me when I am so unsure of myself?”
    Morek took Aki’s hand and pressed it against the smooth green skin of his chest. “Because you are here, Aki, in my heart.” He moved Aki’s fingers to his forehead. “And here in every thought. What more could I want?”
    Aki stared up at him for a long moment as a curious sensation of warmth and belonging settled around his own heart. Perhaps Morek was right and the Gods had released him at exactly the right time for him and Einarr to be happy with their own kind. Aki trailed one finger down Morek’s flat stomach to play with the stiff arch of his cock.
    “How about here?”
    Morek’s grin widened as he rolled on top of Aki. “Most definitely there, First Male. Shall I prove it to you?”
    “Well?” Einarr moved close to Aki as the final preparations were made for their departure to Quoxor. “I have not seen you for three days.”
    “I have been busy.”
    “Busy fucking.”
    Aki raised an eyebrow. “You cannot talk.”
    “I have… enjoyed my time with Ungar.” Einarr’s smile was thoughtful. “He is a fine warrior. Our minds flow in harmony like the two

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