
Free Astral by Viola Grace

Book: Astral by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Romance, Science Fiction
Life out of her body was fun but when she tangles with a stellar avatar, life inside her own skin holds a lot of appeal.
    Dina has been going from assignment to assignment, helping out with mediations in hostile environments. Since she leaves her body in safety, her mind walks worlds that would kill her physical form instantly. When an offer from a nearby star gets her attention, she has to choose between a life out of her body, or a passenger in her very soul.
    Arci, the living star has been searching for a match for his avatar since Zakkar’s species disappeared. When the Terran seems to meet all of his avatar’s needs, Arci senses that she can fulfill some of the things missing is his own existence as well. It will take both of them to convince her to join them, but their threesome will eventually come together, mind, body, souls, and star.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
    Copyright © 2012 Viola Grace
    ISBN: 978-1-77111-108-9
    Cover art by Martine Jardin
    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.
    Published by Devine Destinies
    An imprint of eXtasy Books
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    A Terran Times Tale
    Viola Grace

    Chapter One
    Dina Markowitz sat at the com unit, her ears burning with her blush. “Please repeat that last request, sir.”
    The silver-skinned Ontex looked distinctly uncomfortable. “A star has requested you as a mate for its avatar.”
    “That is impossible. The radiation alone would kill me.” She tried to be practical while her blush still raged.
    “The star is offering you the opportunity to share its power.” He blinked his huge black eyes and smiled hopefully at her.
    “Why are you responsible for telling me, Refoal? This is usually something that is handled by folks who can actually say sex without flinching.”
    “I have been your assignment dispatcher for four years, Dina. It was my duty to inform you of the offer.”
    “So, the offer has not yet been accepted?” Dina really wanted to bite her nails, but it was impolite to do so in front of her dispatcher.
    “It has not. It is still pending and the decision is scheduled to be made later in this council session.”
    Dina paused for a moment. The council might not decide in the star’s favour. She may be able to live her life as a non-resident mediator quietly on her station with no one getting in the way. While the quiet life had been a little lonely at first, she had gotten used to keeping her body on her small unit on the adjunct of the unmanned station. Fish was a remarkable cure for loneliness.
    “Dina, Dina! I asked if you were all right with this arrangement.” Refoal frowned.
    “No, I am not all right with being handed off to a star, to be irradiated and hopeful I will survive the transformation process. I like my job here. I know what happens next.” She shrugged.
    She crossed her arms over her chest and scowled. “No celestial body is getting near this body in this life.”
    He nodded. “I accept that as a theory. In reality, it is a likelihood.”
    Dina sighed. “I know, but I can set out

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