Ride On
… what’s wrong now?’
    Garda Ní Mhurchú turned to the others and raised her eyebrows.
    â€˜Oh, it’s grand, you can tell him,’ said Aesop, waving a hand at her. ‘He probably won’t even be surprised.’
    â€˜It seems that Mr. Murray has offended someone to the point where they’ve been threatening him.’
    Jimmy just nodded at her slowly.
    â€˜Told you,’ said Aesop, opening a Twix.
    â€˜What kind of threats?’
    â€˜Well … we don’t need to go into that just now. Do you mind if I take off this coat? It’s very warm in here.’
    â€˜Not at all,’ said Dónal. ‘Go mad. Do you want a cup of tea?’
    They both nodded.
    â€˜Sparky, would you mind doing the honours?’
    When they were all settled around a low coffee table in the lounge area, Garda Ní Mhurchú took out her notebook and started writing in it. Jimmy was just sitting on the edge of his chair, his tea getting cold in front of him.
    â€˜So, first of all, you don’t know who’s been doing this?’ said Garda Ní Mhurchú.
    â€˜No clue,’ said Aesop.
    â€˜But it would seem to be a woman, based on what we know?’
    â€˜Okay. And is there one particular woman in your life right now? A girlfriend or partner, or … ?’
    â€˜No. Well, just Jennifer I s’pose.’
    â€˜Me sister.’
    â€˜And would you say your sister is … estranged at all?’
    â€˜Ah she can be, yeah. Well, she’s always talking to her goldfish, y’know? Stuff like that. You’d swear they were … but, nah, not anything this bad. And anyway, I know her. When she’s annoyed with me she usually just tells me I’m a fu … fool.’
    Jimmy closed his eyes and sighed. He was used to jumping in when Aesop met new people, but he didn’t know if he was supposed to do it when he was being interviewed by the police.
    â€˜Okay. And what about other women in your life, Mr. Murray? I mean in a social context. Do you … date for instance? Or are you seeing anyone regularly?’
    â€˜This should be fucking good,’ muttered Jimmy under his breath, as he picked up his cup and sat back in his chair for the first time. Sparky suddenly cleared his throat and left to put the kettle on again. Dónal started to fidget on the sofa.
    Aesop was finishing the Twix and fingering the wrapper as he thought.
    â€˜Mr. Murray?’
    â€˜Well, Garda Ní Mhurchú … y’see … eh … sorry, would you mind calling me Aesop? I feel like me Da’s standing right behind me or something. It’s making me nervous.’
    â€˜Of course. Aesop. So … do you see anyone regularly, Aesop?’
    â€˜Well … no. Not any one girl in particular.’
    â€˜But you’ve been with a number of women recently?’
    â€˜What’s recently?’
    â€˜Well, let’s say since Christmas.’
    â€˜Yes. A number.’
    â€˜A big number?’
    â€˜Well … medium-sized. I had a bit of a cold there a few weeks ago.’
    â€˜I see. Aesop, maybe if we started with the last woman you … em … wooed.’
    â€˜When was that?’
    â€˜Yesterday. No, no … the day before. Tuesday.’
    â€˜You’re not sure?’
    â€˜Well I was with a girl yesterday all right, but I wouldn’t say I wooed her exactly. But that’s grand as well sometimes, y’know?’
    â€˜I’m sorry?’
    â€˜Well, some young ones are just quiet, like. But I definitely wooed the one on Tuesday. We had an hour to kill before “Desperate Housewives” so I thought I might as well take her the scenic route. She wooed a fair bit. I remember it because I don’t have much furniture yet, so there’s a bit of an echo around the gaff and I was afraid that …’
    Everyone was

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