Horse Charmer

Free Horse Charmer by Angelia Almos

Book: Horse Charmer by Angelia Almos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angelia Almos
head as Yaffa pulled the dressing robe off. It took a moment for Celeste to adjust the dress just right and then the four women stood back to gaze at her.
    Yaffa clasped her hands together. "It's wonderful, Madame Celeste."
    Celeste inclined her head in answer. "I'll go inform the queen your dress is finished."
    "Thank you," Cassia said in response. "If you could get me out of it now?"
    Ula and Yaffa started unbuttoning and untying her out of the dress. Cassia tried to think of a way to stop the wedding. She couldn't say "no" during the ceremony. The repercussions of that  -- well, she couldn't even imagine what would happen. By the way Sarahann had reacted this morning she was fairly certain she wouldn't be able to convince her mother to call off the wedding.
    The only solution would be for her not to be there. As the thought occurred to her, she shivered. She couldn't lock herself in her room and hide under her bed. She'd have to leave. Run away.
    A knock interrupted her thoughts.
    "A minute," Ula called out, tugging the last of the dress away and wrapping Cassia in her dressing robe. Yaffa walked over to the door and opened it. Maconahay stood on the other side with a Vesperan guard. He nodded at Yaffa and looked past her to Cassia.
    "Your Highness," the Vesperan guard said. "Prince Torr would like you to join him for lunch in the Garden Room."
    Cassia pulled herself out of her churning thoughts to focus on the Vesperan guard. She wondered if Torr knew the treaty hadn't been signed. Maybe this would be the opportunity to find out what he knew about the entire situation.
    "I'd be delighted to," Cassia said.
    Dressed in a light pink gown that matched the fancy hair Ula had done earlier, Cassia followed the Vesperan guard into the breathtaking Garden Room. The large atrium overflowed with exotic plants. She gazed around in wonder at the different blooms. She'd never seen so many bright colors in one place. Sunlight filtered through the large windows and roof.
    "Her Highness Princess Cassia," the Vesperan guard announced as they drew near an intimate table in the center of the room.
    Prince Torr rose as the Vesperan guard stepped back against the wall next to where Maconahay stood by the door.
    "Your Highness." Torr bowed gracefully.
    Cassia curtsied in response and stepped up to the table. "Prince Torr."
    "May I introduce you to my brother Prince Lindley and my sister Princess Margarette," Torr said.
    Prince Lindley appeared to be about ten years old and Princess Margarette about twelve. They rose and bowed to Cassia. She curtsied back and did her best to summon a smile.
    "Prince Lindley, Princess Margarette," Cassia said. She hesitated slightly at the chair Torr pulled out for her, but regained her composure and took the seat. "My brothers will be delighted to learn there are other youngsters around."
    "I didn't think," Torr said with a flush. "I shall have them summoned immediately."
    Their presence could severely handicap her planned questioning, but then again she hadn't counted on having to make conversation with the other prince and princess, and her brothers could entertain them.
    "Captain Maconahay can fetch them," Cassia said with a smile. She glanced over her shoulder and beckoned to Maconahay. Surprise crossed his face as he stepped up. "Would you go upstairs and bring my brothers down to join us?"
    Maconahay slanted an untrusting look at Torr. "That would require me to leave you."
    Cassia waved a hand at him. "I'll be perfectly safe for the few moments you are gone, Captain."
    She added a firmer tone to her last word. Daring him to disobey her order. He snapped to attention, bowed, and strode from the room. Cassia pasted a smile on her lips and looked at Torr's younger siblings.
    They were both of fair complexion and beautiful like their brother. Sitting before the three of them, she felt very plain despite the fancy dress and hair. Now she understood why Ula had dressed her so. She must have seen

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