Getting to the Church On Time

Free Getting to the Church On Time by Erin Nicholas

Book: Getting to the Church On Time by Erin Nicholas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Nicholas
video of my whole body. My arm isn’t long enough.
    Yes, there were limitations to selfies, he supposed. I can picture your entire gorgeous body he typed and sent. Then he sent, And I know exactly how your face looks when you’re turned on and when you come.
    All true enough.
    Then all you’ll need is this .
    The next video took his breath. She’d apparently propped the phone against a pillow or something. She used one hand to pull her panties to the side and the other to circle her clit with the end of the candy cane.
    Levi was achingly hard. This wasn’t as good as in person, of course, but it was damned hot, and what he needed if he couldn’t have her here with him right now.
    More was all he was able to type.
    She gave him more. She teased herself with the candy cane for a few minutes, then finally shed the panties and replaced it with her fingers.
    They went back to words only after a couple of short videos of that and using their imaginations and memories.
    Levi lay panting a few minutes later and dialed her number with voice commands.
    “Hi.” She was breathless too.
    “I’ll bet you taste good right now.”
    He heard her suck in a quick breath, then laugh lightly. “I do.”
    He groaned, picturing her lifting her fingers to her mouth.
    “You always taste good but I do like the addition of peppermint.”
    “I bought that candy cane at the airport especially for that purpose.”
    It was a page from their first Christmas together. Though he’d been the one holding the candy cane and she hadn’t kept her panties on for very long.
    He grinned. “But I feel pretty good now. How about you?”
    “Better,” she admitted. Then she sighed. “This still sucks.”
    “It does.” But he didn’t want either of them to get down about it. There was nothing they could do and they really needed to focus on the positives.
    “I feel terrible about everyone’s hard work going to waste too,” she said. “Setting up the gazebo and all the food and the cake.” She sighed. “That cake was so gorgeous.”
    It had been. And had tasted great too. But Levi didn’t want to tell her that they’d eaten it. Or that there was going to be a wedding takeover. He knew she’d be happy for whichever set of friends were getting married and that nothing was being wasted. At the same time, it felt like rubbing it in that she was stuck far from home. She wasn’t getting to taste the cake or see their friends walk down the aisle.
    That made a lead ball of regret settle in Levi’s gut. He didn’t mean to leave her out and it hadn’t occurred to him that she would be missing the wedding of…whoever won the wedding. Damn. So would Phoebe and Joe.
    Unfortunately, it wasn’t that uncommon for Levi to get caught up in a moment and run with an idea—especially a fun one—without thinking about everyone else. He was working on that.
    “What do you think things look like for tomorrow?” he asked.
    “I wouldn’t think that we’d be able to get out of here until evening. If then,” she said. “It’s still snowing here.”
    “Here too.” He was afraid, actually, that she might be able to get to Omaha but not back to Sapphire Falls. He wondered how much it would cost to hire a snow plow. He didn’t have to be at…whoever’s wedding. He needed to pick a winner and that was it. “You have to call me the minute you know anything.”
    “I will. Of course.”
    They talked a little longer and finally said goodnight. But Levi had a hard time falling asleep. He wanted her here. Or he wanted to be there. He wanted to marry her. He wanted to spend his life with her.
    And he didn’t want her to find out that he was giving their wedding away.
    Because he really did want to spend his life with her…and not letting her find out about the wedding competition might be important to ensuring she walked down the aisle when it was her turn.

Everyone (except Kate, Phoebe & Joe)

    “Thank you everyone,” Levi said from the top step of the

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