
Free Always by Jennifer Labelle

Book: Always by Jennifer Labelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Labelle
Liam, she began to tear up because she felt so stupid. She couldn’t wait for the day when she’d be confident enough to let go of her fears. “I’m sorry.” Teegan turned away to wipe her eyes. “I really don’t want to talk about Oliver. Can we talk about something else?”
    “Sure, honey.” Susan hugged her. “I know exactly what you need. How about I get a sitter for tomorrow night? Better yet, I’ll make James sit with the kids, and we’ll have a girls’ night out. We can call Claire and a bunch of others to come along for drinks and dancing. What do you say?”
    “Hell yeah! I’d love to see Claire again, and a drink sounds real good right about now. Thanks for getting me all emotional, by the way,” she teased before hugging her sister-in-law. “I was just kidding Suzy Q.” Teegan wiped her eyes again and noticed James and Liam across the parking lot, looking as though they were wrapping up whatever they were talking about. Both looked concerned, and Liam kept glancing in her direction as if he wanted to approach her before James put a hand on his arm as if to stop him. James then jogged over to them.
    “What?” Susan turned around as Teegan pointed toward him.
    “You okay, sis?” he asked as he reached them.
    “Fine, why?”
    “Well, from over there, it looked like you were crying. And me and Liam figured…”
    “You figured what? That I was upset over Cindy?” She laughed loudly. “Of all the arrogant, conceited…” She poked him in the chest, gently pushing him back. “I’m fine, James, and me getting emotional had nothing to do with Cindy. Don’t go giving the girl an ego she doesn’t need. She has enough of that for this whole town.”
    “Okay, then what is it?”
    “James,” Susan warned, “I brought up Oliver, and I should have known better. Don’t go getting her upset again by forcing her to talk about it. I know you’re worried about her, but—”
    “But she’s right here beside you listening. I’m stronger than you both think, you know.” She was frustrated with them at that point for talking about her as if she wasn’t present. It made her feel like a child. “Have yourselves a good ride home. I’ll see you all when I get there.” Teegan stomped off before she said something she’d regret and wished she’d brought her own car to the game instead of hitching a ride with James.
    “Hey,” James called out. “Where do you think you’re going?”
    Without looking back, she flipped him the bird. Having all of these mixed emotions about coming home again and finally being free, along with her feelings for Liam was bad enough without James assuming she was upset over Cindy. Yeah, Cindy being into Liam bothered her. Hell, any woman being interested in him would bother her, but her emotions had nothing to do with the former prom queen and the man she loved. They came from having gone through hell and back. Why couldn’t anyone understand that?

    Chapter Nine
    The layers of her long, blonde hair accentuated her heart-shaped face. She wore it down, and he had to force his hands to his sides to keep from touching it.
    Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled with excitement, and her lush, plump lips were so delectable that her taste lingered for days after she kissed him. He wanted to do it again. She wore tight jeans and a backless halter top that showed off her petite, curvy build to perfection. It also revealed creamy, smooth skin with just enough cleavage to tease him, and her ass was perfect for grabbing. His mouth watered as he pictured all the fun but inappropriate things he’d like to do to that body again. He remembered how good they were together and just knew the sex would be even better now they were both more practiced.
    Liam shifted in his seat to ease the ache. His jeans tightened in the crotch just from watching her descend the stairs into the living room. Hell, she hadn’t even noticed him yet

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