BlueK Dynasty: The 1st Seven Days
there to eat, after all, but to get clothes so they could get from
point A to point B.   
    Just as VIN and Kosner
made it to the first step, Santino reached out and pulled them
back. Kosner hissed at him and bared his teeth. His ears drew back,
and his eyes turned reddish black. VIN didn’t even pause, but shook
Santino’s arm off him and continued up with a quickened
    Santino had no way to
control the two unless he used real physical force, and he didn’t
want to hurt his protégés. He felt helpless as VIN and Kosner ran
up the stairs, making a ruckus as they went, following the warm
scent of food.   
    VIN was the first to reach
the room and tore the door off as if it were a butterfly wing.
There were two people in the tiny room. One was a female, and the
other was a male who must have been the manager of the store since
he had a huge set of keys on his hip. The two were in the middle of
something—the guy’s pants were down, and the lady had her shirt
    VIN charged at her. A
bloodcurdling scream erupted from her mouth. Kosner rushed and
knocked the guy over a table in his attempt to join VIN in the
feast. The woman’s hands went up to protect her face, and VIN
played with her like a cat with a mouse. He grabbed her arms and
squeezed them tight. Santino, who was frozen in place, heard her
bones cracking. He looked on in horror. Was this how he’d looked
when he’d attacked Kurma?   
    VIN licked the woman’s
face, and she cried out in disgust and pain. Kosner wasn’t into all
that; if he was going to eat, then that was what he was going to
do. Breaking arms, pulling out hair, licking faces and all that was
not his style. He came from behind VIN and grabbed
the   woman by
her throat, squeezed tight, and snatched her head clean off her
neck. He felt the meat’s last pulse as the blood poured on the
floor, bathing his shoes in red. Her mouth hung agape, and her
eyelids closed slightly. Kosner felt his lips slide back over his
teeth. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth
    VIN snatched the head from
Kosner and bit into it. Kosner was taking too long with the thing,
and he was starving. Kosner flared up and let out a growl, then
lunged for the head.   
    Santino watched as the two
wrestled for the prize. He looked over to where the man had fallen
unconscious. He wasn’t dead; Santino knew this, and shook his head
at the thought. Another mouth to feed and another man to follow
him. Santino could see the pros and cons of the situation. He
walked over to the man and kicked him. The man was in his late
twenties, white, with sandy hair and an eyebrow piercing. Santino
watched as the transmutation took place. Fortunately the man slept
through the pain. Behind him VIN and Kosner finished with the
woman’s head and tore into the body.   
    “ Save
some for this guy,” said Santino.   
    Kosner looked up from the
floor where he sat biting into the carcass’s chest. “For who? Don’t
you want some?” He held the woman’s hand up for
    He wasn’t worried about
the food anymore. “You can’t touch people. Whatever is in your
blood, or whatever it is that is making us like this, is highly
contagious. Kosner, you knocked this guy over trying to get to his
girlfriend and didn’t kill him, therefore he has been
    “ Basically I turned him into us.” Kosner wiped blood from his
mouth. “Dude, are you hearing this?” he asked VIN, who was busily
tearing into a chunk of flesh. He only growled in
    Kosner stood up from the
dead body and instructed Santino to try to eat. “We don’t know when
we’ll have another opportunity. I’ll watch out for him until he
wakes up.” Kosner had eaten his fill, and was thinking more clearly
than before. His throat felt ten times better, and his head had
stopped spinning. He walked to Santino, patted him on his back, and
parked himself on the overturned table. “Don’t worry. As soon

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