Worlds of BBW Erotic Romance - Box Set

Free Worlds of BBW Erotic Romance - Box Set by Celia Demure, Jennie Primrose

Book: Worlds of BBW Erotic Romance - Box Set by Celia Demure, Jennie Primrose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Demure, Jennie Primrose
alive? She might be all right?
    All he could do is wait and hope that the bastard of a Rector valued his daughter over his demon Master.
    After what seemed like an eternity—but was probably only a minute or so—someone entered the field of the lantern-light. He saw the Rector’s preacher’s robes first, then the frills of Julia’s stained dress.
    Thank God!
    She was coughing, and her face and clothes were streaked with dirt and soot, but she seemed to be uninjured. When she saw Ed, she let out a little cry and made as if to run forward—but her father grabbed her arms and held her back.
    “Mister Bolt is not going to bother you again, child,” he said. “Stay here.”
    The Rector strode towards Ed, his hands outstretched, fingers clenching rhythmically.
    “Father, no!” Julia suddenly doubled over, her hands on her head, as if the thought of his death caused her physical agony.
    “He is disruptive and violent,” the Rector explained, “and the Master wishes him to be … put out of the way.”
    “NO!” Julia ran to her father, beating her tiny fists on his chest, her face streaked with tears. “You can’t, not him !”
    He shook his head, bent down to touch her chin. “I am sorry. I would have spared you this, my child. I should never have let you even talk to him …”
    “But you promised!” she wailed. “You told mother and you PROMISED!”
    “I do not understand. What does that—”
    “Because! We are …” She leaned forward to whisper something in his ear.
    Suddenly, the Rector’s red eyes went wide, and he jerked upright, stunned. “But daughter, this will not be easy to … the Master will not approve the lad’s continued … Hmm.”
    She pulled away, looked her father in the eyes. “You promised . To me and mother.”
    “Very well.” He patted her head, then walked over to where Ed was restrained by the two servants.
    The insane bastard was smiling now, though his lips quivered as if the effort of it was a strain on his muscles.
    “My loyalty to the Master runs deep,” he said. “But I have a father’s weakness towards my child and I cannot go back on my word. Just promise me you’ll be good to her in the time we have left, yes?”
    Ed nodded, unable to speak properly as Mr. Stark’s hand still covered his mouth.
    Of course he’d be good to her! She was pretty and respected him and made him feel things he hadn’t dared to feel since his crush on Constance Clement years ago.
    Although the best thing for her would be to get her out of this hell-hole …
    And I still intend to try! I just wish these thugs would let go of my arms …
    But what had she said to her father to keep him from killing Ed? The Rector had been ready to turn his head to pulp a few minutes ago, and now the man was giving him gentle advice?
    The Rector walked back to Julia, resting his hands on her slim shoulders. “We’ll have to get your mother’s old dress ready. Mrs. Starks can clean and press it, alter it if need be. There’s not much time, but I’ll do everything I can to make things beautiful for you.”
    Finally, Mr. Starks removed his hand, and Ed was able to speak.
    “What dress?” Ed gasped, perplexed.
    “For our wedding,” Julia whispered. Her big eyes darted to his face, and then she shyly looked away, blushing.
    Had she really said wedding ?
    Rutting hell!

Chapter 11
    “I can’t move in this rutting bag!” Ed thrashed on the bed, the tight linen sack around his body making him feel like a trussed goose.
    “It’s a bundling bag,” Julia explained.
    Facing him on the bed, she was similarly restrained. Her flaming hair spilled out from around the top of her own bag, which was drawn and tied tightly below her chin. “Father thinks an engaged couple should slumber together, but not be tempted to do … things.”
    “I know what the bag is for,” Ed gasped, “but who would be tempted with him watching?” Ed could feel cold, dead eyes on his back.

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