Heaven Sent

Free Heaven Sent by Mahalia Levey

Book: Heaven Sent by Mahalia Levey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mahalia Levey
hours upon hours and taken the stupid medication. Then the twinkle in
his eye caught her attention. Dire rolled them, his body staying fully seated
inside her. She smiled with relief. “Not tonight.”
    He was giving her control. Allowing her to take the lead in a way she
could halt if her body couldn’t handle it. Mia ran her hands up his chiseled
chest and rode him. Her body fell into a smooth rhythm. She would slam down and
he would rock up taking her higher. Dire wrapped his hands around her hips and
ground her against his pelvis, pleasure arched with the friction he provided.
Her clit throbbed and her pussy clenched around him.
    Mia cried out when he thrust into her from his position, the loud popping
of his hips bumping into her pelvis rattled her to the bone. She came hard,
digging her fingernails into his shoulders to keep from being dislodged. When
the tremors subsided and aftershocks remained Dire flipped them. Taking the
reins once more, he thrust in and out of her and with a guttural growl came,
the warmth of his seed flooded the reservoir.
    “Mia,” he murmured her name and pulled out of her. She watched him shuck
the used condom with one hand and tie off the end.
    “I have a basket on my side.” Dire pressed a kiss to her lips as he
leaned over her to the edge and dropped the rubber in the trash.
    “Beautiful woman. You tried my restraint to the max.”
    “I was feeling better and wanted to be treated like a woman not someone
on the injured list.” As Dire rolled back onto the bed, Mia cuddled up in his
    “We can play harder soon.” He played with tendrils of her hair. His
fingers brushed into her scalp causing sleepiness to course through her. Her
body relaxed immeasurably.
    “Good.” She yawned and slid her leg in between his.
    “So, every time you get mad do I get to have my shirt thrown at me and a
glimpse of your gorgeous body? If so, please tell me all your pet peeves so I
can look and have my fill.”
    “Only when you make me irrational. I don’t know what
possessed me to strip off the shirt and toss it at you. Or hit you. I’m sorry
about that.”
    “I know you are. My face is strong enough to handle a little abuse, just
don’t make a habit of it. You might not like the results.”
    “Oh, what’s the punishment?”
    “Wouldn’t you like to know what happens to bad girls who get slap happy?”
He intertwined their fingers and kissed each of her fingertips.
    “I thought you would’ve turned and went home after I did that. And now
here we are.”
    Dire pulled her discarded coverlet over them. His body heat gave her the
extra warmth and comfort she needed. Baring herself for him was the third
scariest moment of her life. The first walking down the aisle to Connor, the
second giving birth, him third.
    “You know us firemen, we take a lick and keep on
ticking.” The fingers massaging her scalp intensified. Mia placed her hand over
his to halt him. “Stop making me sleepy.”
    He stilled for a moment and ran his hand up and down her back. “Why have you remained single and for how long?”
    “I didn’t have the heart or courage to date for the longest time. One
year passed, and then two. I concentrated on raising Ash and being content as a
mother. Between her and my job, I never made time or the effort to put myself
out on the market. The Cheer Moms set me up on a few trial dates, coffee dates
really that tanked. It’s been four years since he passed. I don’t think I
remember how to date. It’s changed so much from when I was in college.”
    “Four years of celibacy is a long time. What were your plans when Ashland
moved away to college?”
    “I’ve been celibate five and a half years. Connor was on extended deploy
when he had a massive coronary.” Dire’s hand stilled.
“I don’t know. I didn’t plan that far ahead. I’m not really a cat person and I
don’t have the heart to discipline a dog. That leaves me alone.”
    “Not anymore. Are you sore or in pain?”

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