The Perfect Plan [The Men of Treasure Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Free The Perfect Plan [The Men of Treasure Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Rebecca Joyce

Book: The Perfect Plan [The Men of Treasure Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Rebecca Joyce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Joyce
Tags: Romance
backseat. Once she was there, Jacks placed her on his lap so Davis could climb up front.
    Once they were all settled, she heard Orin and Davis whispering but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Jacks just held her hand and tried to reassure her that everything was going to be okay.
    Her worry increased over the next twenty minutes, but when Orin stopped the truck and Davis jumped out, her tension hit an all-time high.
    “Where’s Davis going? He’ll freeze out there,” she asked, concerned.
    “It’s a whiteout, Lilly. Davis is wearing his safety vest. I can see him,” Orin offered as an explanation, as if that would make everything okay.
    “But what’s he doing out there?” she asked again with more force.
    “He’s gonna guide us home,” Jacks whispered.
    “Are you serious?” she shouted, angry and confused at the same time. She couldn’t understand why Orin would send his brother out in such a dangerous storm, and she couldn’t understand why Davis was so stupid for doing something so crazy.
    “He’s gonna catch pneumonia out there.”
    “Oh, Davis will be fine. He’s dressed for the weather,” Orin replied.
    “I can barely see him. What if you hit him?” she asked, looking out the front window.
    “He’s insured.” Orin grinned.
    Lilly couldn’t believe her ears. Outraged and furious that Orin would think so lowly for his own brother’s welfare, she didn’t think twice as she unbuckled her seat belt and jumped from the cab.
    Oh, she wasn’t wrong. The moment her feet hit the snow, she sank into the white fluff until it damn near reached midthigh.
    Kicking her way toward the front of the truck, she kept a hand on the vehicle as a guide and started shouting for Davis. Lilly kept moving forward when she heard Jacks yell, “Lilly, get back here!”
    “Not until Davis gets back in the truck!” she yelled back.
    “You can die out in this stuff,” Jacks shouted as he walked behind her.
    “So could Davis,” she screamed in frustration and bumped into the man himself. The wind had picked up and was howling loudly, so loudly that she realized that Davis never heard her come up behind him.
    She watched as he turned, and shock registered on his face. He quickly grabbed her and held onto her tightly. “What are you doing? Get back in the truck,” he ordered her.
    “Not without you!”
    “Okay,” Davis shouted, and together they walked back toward the truck to find Jacks and Orin waiting outside the vehicle.
    “What’s wrong?” Orin asked as Davis stood in front of him.
    “The bridge is out. We’re gonna have to walk the rest of the way.”
    “How far?” Jacks asked.
    “About five more miles, I figure. I saw Wilbur’s old Chevy about ten minutes ago,” Davis informed them.
    “Shit. That means were screwed. One of us is going to have to stay here with Lilly till the other two get back with the snowmobiles. With the snow coming down, you’re not gonna be able to keep the truck running,” Orin said curtly.
    “Who stays?” Jacks asked.
    “Davis has to go. He knows the terrain better than any of us. And Jacks, you know first aid. If he gets hurt, you can fix him. Just don’t take your time. Lilly and I will only have about thirty more minutes of heat before I have to shut off the engine. After that, we’re gonna get real cold and fast.”
    “Got it,” Jacks said and then looked right at her. Lilly didn’t know what was going on, but from what she heard she didn’t like what they had planned one bit. She didn’t understand why they couldn’t all ride out the storm in the truck.
    Jacks stood before her and grabbed her face. “You listen to Orin. He can be ornery and mean sometimes, but he’ll get you through this,” he said and then gently kissed her. When she opened her eyes, she was looking at Davis.
    “Be right back, sweet cheeks.” He smiled and kissed her firmly and then turned and went to catch up with his brother. In a matter of seconds they both

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