Teorías sobre la plusvalía (Tomo IV de El Capital) vol. III

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Book: Teorías sobre la plusvalía (Tomo IV de El Capital) vol. III by Karl Marx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karl Marx
Tags: Ciencias sociales
that of capital. His ignorance of this principle prevented him from establishing the true theory of the influence of machinery in the production of riches.” [81] In contradiction to the opinion of Adam Smith, M. Say,., speaks of the value which is given to commodities by natural agents. But these natural agents, though they add greatly to value in use , never add exchangeable value , of which M. Say is speaking…» [508] ( David Ricardo «The Principles of Political Economy, and Taxation», third edition, Londres, 1821, pp. 334-336)
    163. «… machines and natural agents might very greatly add to the riches of a country… not… any thing to the value of those riches.» ( ibidem , p. 335, nota)
    163. «… As it is certain that our physical and moral faculties are alone our original riches, the employment of those faculties, labour of some kind , is our only original treasure, and that it is always from this employment, that all those things are created which we call riches… It is certain too, that all those things only represent the labour which has created them , and if they have a value, or even two distinct values, they can only derive them from that of the labour from which they emanate.» ( Destutt de Tracy «Éléments d’idéologie, IV-e et V-e parties. Traité de la volonté et des ses effets». Paris, 1826, p. 35-36; citado según: David Ricardo «The Principles of Political Economy, and Taxation», third edition, Londres, 1821, p. 334) [traducción alemana de Karl Marx , «Das Kapital», t. I, Berlín, 1961, p. 86].
    164. «Value and Riches…» ( ibidem , p. 320)
    164. «In so far, however, as that result is effected by the labour or operation of natural agents, that can neither be monopolized nor appropriated by a greater or smaller number of individuals to the exclusion of other, it has no value. What is done by these agents is done gratuitously .» ( J. R. McCulloch in: Adam Smith «An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations», vol. IV, Edimburgo, 1828, p. 75, nota I)
    164. «The man who sells oil makes no charge for its natural qualities. In estimating its cost he pub down the value of the labour employed in its pursuit, and such is its value.» ( H. C. Carey «Principles of Political Economy…», Filadelfia, 1837, p. 47)
    165. «… the services which… natural agents and machinery perform for us… arc serviceable to us… by adding to value in use; but as they perform their work gratuitously … the assistance which they afford us, adds nothing to value in exchange .» ( David Ricardo «The Principles of Political Economy, and Taxation», third ed., Londres, 1821, pp. 336-337) [traducción alemana, en parte de Karl Marx , «Das Kapital», t. I, Berlin, 1961, p. 406].
    165. «… natural agents… monopolized nor [82] appropriated by a greater or smaller number of individuals to the exclusion of other…» ( J. R. McCulloch in: Adam Smith «An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations», vol. IV, Edimburgo, 1828, p. 75, nota I)
    165. «If a capitalist expends the tame sum in paying the wages of labourers, in maintening horses, or in hiring a machine, and u the men, the horses, and the machine can all perform the same piece of work , its value will obviously be of the same by whichever of them it have been performed.» ( ibidem , p. 77, nota I)
    165. «… perform the same […] work…» ( ibidem , p. 77, nota I)
    166. «… but the value of that change is not increased by, and is in no degree dependent on, the operation or labour of the natural agents concerned, but on the amount of capital , or the produce of previous labour , that co-operated in the production of the effect; just as the cost of grinding corn does not depend on the action of the wind of water that turns the mill, but on the amount of capital wasted in the operation.» ( ibidem , p. 79, nota I)
    166. «… the produce of previous labour…» ( ibidem , p. 79, nob I)
    166. «… the word labour

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