Juliet Immortal

Free Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay

Book: Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Jay
life, not even death. When that happens, my job is complete and I return to the mist with a victory for my side.
    But I’ve never found a soul mate on my own. I’ve always needed Nurse’s help.
    Yet here she is, Ariel’s best friend, one of the lovers I’ve been sent to protect.
    A spark of hope flares to life inside me. Maybe
why Nurse didn’t come to me last night. Maybe she knows that Ariel is already intimately connected to one of the soul mates I’ve come for, maybe—
    “Ariel. Wake up.” Gemma snaps her fingers in front of my face. “What do you want? Nancy’s waiting.”
    “Don’t rush her, Gemma. I’ve got time, and school doesn’t start for twenty minutes.” The woman behind the counter—an older woman with finely wrinkled skin and a long gray braid coiled around her head so that it looks like a crown—smiles. “How about an egg and cheese croissant, Ariel? You look like you could use some protein.”
    I smile. I remember Nancy now. Ariel has a soft spot for her, and her croissants. “Yes, please. That sounds great.”
    “And a coffee for her too,” Gemma adds. “She needs it.”
    Ariel doesn’t drink coffee, but I don’t disagree. It’s definitely time to wake up. Gemma is the girl I’ve come for, and the sooner I figure out the identity of this mystery guy she’s seeing—and why their relationship is “a mess”—the closer I’ll be to accomplishing what I’ve been sent here to do.
    “Dude.” As we step to the side to wait for our order, Gemma gives the burned side of my face a long, hard look. “Your face really does look awful today. Maybe we should ditch homeroom and go back to your house for your makeup.”
    I bite my lip, refusing to give in to anger. Gemma’s my job, and Ariel’s friend. I’m not required to like her. Still, I can’t help but wonder—not for the first time—why people like Gemma are lucky enough to get soul mates. It seems like it should be a privilege reserved for people who suck less.
    “I mean, seriously,” she continues, tapping one finger against her chin. “Your mom said she was going back to sleep so—”
    She breaks off, eyes going wide. Her ringed hand whips out to grab my arm. “Oh my god. There he is. That’s him. The guy.”
    My other soul mate, delivered faster than my breakfast. The thought nearly makes me smile. I try to turn to get a look at him, but Gemma squeezes my arm until I flinch. “Don’t turn around! He might still be pissed.”
    “Why is he—”
    “I don’t know.” She shrugs, lowers her voice. “He said I was confusing and left in the middle of dinner to go drive around and think or something. He’s like a girl. I swear.”
    Confusing. Drive around. Think.
    A horrible suspicion curls in my gut, killing my hunger. A part of me knows who I’m going to see, even before I turn around.
    “Crap. He’s seen us. He’s coming over.” She drops my arm. “Don’t be weird, okay?”
    Don’t be weird. How can I not be weird when I know … I
    I turn and my eyes meet his, and that feeling of connection sizzles through the air between us, just like it did last night. But now I know the connection isn’t just unwise or impossible, it’s forbidden. I see the rosy glow burning through his red and black striped sweater and there is no room for doubt.
    Ben is the other soul mate I’ve been sent to protect.

    I want to run and hide. I want to jump over the counter and cower down behind the pastries with my arms over my head. I don’t want to stand and watch and try to smile as Gemma flings herself at Ben, surprising him with a kiss on the cheek.
    She presses against him, his arm goes around her waist, and something inside me screams like it’s been set on fire. The embrace lasts less than a second before Ben pulls away, but the damage is done. He belongs to someone, to a girl I have to make sure he stays with forever.
    It is unbearable. Intolerable. It’s … my job.
    These two are my

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