Carpathian 11 - Dark Descent

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came running in to chastise him. We al knew she knew he was doing it, and she was realy laughing, too. Once, after he read us Stephen King's Cujo, he put whipped cream on the muzzle of our huge mutt and shoved him into the bedroom. It's a wonder we al survived his sense of humor."
    She laughed at the memory, deliberately sharing with Traian the warmth of her childhood, the love in her family. "We're al a little bit crazy, but it's okay with us."
    "Do you think I wil fit in?" He brought her hand to his chest and held it against his heart. "I would not mind having a family after al this time."
    He was a tal man with wide shoulders and eyes that had seen far too much, yet the lost note in his voice turned her heart over. Joie smiled at him. "I can't wait for you to meet my mother."

Chapter Seven
    The night air was crisp and clean and so fresh, Joie gratefuly dragged it deep into her lungs. Fear was dissipating now that she was out in the open. She puled her helmet from her head to alow the wind to comb through her hair. Stretching her arms toward the moon, she laughed softly. "I love the night. I love everything about it. It doesn't matter if its stormy or not."
    She turned her head to look at Traian. His face was beautiful in the moonlight. "Worthy of a Greek god," she murmured, astonished that she felt so much for him, that her emotions were so strong and connected with his. His hair fel like black silk around his face to his shoulders. There wasn't so much as a smear of mud on his face. Al traces of blood were gone from his chest, leaving only the raw gashes on his flesh.
    Joie shook her head, stepping away from him, putting distance between them. She needed space, needed to find balance. "Thanks a lot for leaving me standing filthy and wet al by myself while you're al shined up and looking good. I'm not even going to ask how you did that."
    His teeth gleamed at her, more the smile of a wolf than a man. "I have my little secrets. You are shivering. Hand me your pack and take this jacket." He enfolded her in the warmth of a suit jacket.
    Joie decided not to ask him where he found the jacket either. "How did you find the way out? I couldn't see a thing." She sank down because al at once she was tired and she wanted to feel the ground under her. Traian had changed her entire life in the blink of an eye, and she didn't want to think too much about the bizarre world he lived in.
    "There were signs if you knew what to look for. In the old times, Carpathians and Wizards were not enemies. We lived side by side and enjoyed the benefits of both races.
    We often used the same glyphs. I saw them as we moved through the hals." He crouched down beside her, touched her chin with gentle fingers. "Let me take you back to the inn where you are staying. You are tired and hungry and want a shower. You are also very worried about your brother and sister. You needn't be. I planted the symbols in your brother's mind to assure that they would find their way out quickly."
    "Thank you, that was thoughtful of you. I was concerned, although both are experienced cavers. I just wanted them safe and away from vampires and traps. They'l be worried about me. I know Jubal hated leaving me behind, but he'l want to get Gabriele back to safety as soon as possible. He'l take her straight to the inn." Joie swept a hand through her hair, pushing it back from her face. "I am tired, Traian. I feel as if I could sleep for a month."
    He drew her to her feet, then simply lifted her, cradling her against his chest. Joie burst out laughing. "This is so medieval. Male carries little woman over mountain. Oh, the utter humiliation of it al." She wrapped her arms more tightly around his neck in case he thought to put her down. Joie alowed her head to drop back as she scanned the heavens. "If you ever tel a single soul I let you do this, I'l have to hurt you. I just want to be very clear on this."
    Traian wanted to kiss her. More than anything, it seemed necessary to bend his

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