Carpathian 11 - Dark Descent

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cavern, lit the mist so that wraithlike creatures appeared to be moving within it. Ghosts of the wizards, lost so long ago. He tightened his arms around Joie. She fit perfectly to him, her mind comfortable in his, drawing knowledge and studying tactics. He could feel her there inside him, sharing his memories and gathering information on his battles with vampires, fuly prepared to join him should there be need.
    More than anything else, he wanted her to know him as a man. He wanted time with her. He wanted to hear her laugh, to see warmth and acceptance in her eyes the way he had imagined during their long-distance chats. And he wanted her out of danger. Things were going to happen fast and ferociously. He focused on one thing. Getting Joie to safety.
    They drifted higher in the cavern, and Traian clouded their image with more mist, more smoke, so that they seemed part of the haze. He took care that their movements were slow and lazy and as natural as possible, so that nothing would trigger the instincts of the warrior.
    The shadow creature was motionless, even while the smoke that made up its body whirled and spun in dark threads. The fierce eyes remained fixed on the vampire crawling toward the temptation of the pulsing crystal orb. Shafe drew closer, closer, reaching out to the visions and promises of wealth and power swirling inside the globe.
    Triumphantly the vampire placed his palms around the beckoning crystal. The moment he touched the globe, the shadow warrior threw back its head and roared. For a brief moment the smoke around it cleared. It stood tal and straight, dressed in glittering multihued scaled armor. And then it was smoke again, rushing across the wide expanse of floor, not quite touching the ground.
    Valenteen, the older vampire, oozed from the black pool, shifting into the form of a snake. It slithered to the nearest wal and began to burrow through the earth. Joie strained to see below her, to see the shadow warrior as he reached the undead cupping the crystal bal.
    Your light. Turn it off.
    Her heart jumped. We need the light .
    I see fine in the dark. We want to escape this chamber. I can take us through the air shaft and do not want to chance drawing the warrior's attention.
    As she doused the light, Shafe screamed hideously. Colors glowed in the rising mist. A dark blood-red stain slowly began to invade the smoky fog. It spread like a virus. A violent clash of light and sound conjoined as the vampire's voice shrieked and wailed until Joie buried her face in Traian's neck.
    She was trembling. His gut knotted. We are almost out. Do not look. This is a trap and we will seal it up so no others can find it.
    You're thinking you'll come back tomorrow night and find out what the vampires were searching for.
    I have to find out. I have been in these caves several weeks, fighting the vampires on and off. I destroyed more than one, yet they remained. That is highly unusual and it worries me. Worse still is the fact that Valenteen was not the only master. There was another in the group, Gallent. I was able, after several battles, to destroy him, but he was clearly with this group. And I sense another…
    Joie sighed and hugged him tighter. This is not happy news. Sounds like our gang problems. We'd better start looking on the Internet for a site called vampires of the world, unite.
    Above her head, he smiled. It had not occurred to me to check there, but if we find such a thing, are you volunteering for undercover work?
    She made a smal growling noise of dissent and bit his shoulder hard.

    The air shaft was narrow, but he angled their bodies until they slipped through, taking them to the upper levels. As soon as she felt the ground beneath her feet, she turned on her light, caught his hand, and sprinted through the tunnel toward the entrance.
    "Valenteen is not folowing us. Although he is a master vampire, he wil not attempt to fight me alone."
    His words stopped her. Joie wanted to make sure that Jubal and

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