Forest Kingdom Trilogy 1 - Blue Moon Rising

Free Forest Kingdom Trilogy 1 - Blue Moon Rising by Simon R. Green

Book: Forest Kingdom Trilogy 1 - Blue Moon Rising by Simon R. Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simon R. Green
once again night held sway over the Darkwood.
    In the sudden silence, the crackling of the campfire seemed very loud. Moonlight filled the clearing, falling through wide holes in the overhead canopy, and the surrounding trees stood straight and whole where the Rainbow's light had touched them. Rupert slowly lowered the sword and studied it, but it was just a sword again. Well , he thought finally, it seems some legends are true . . .
    'Can anyone explain to me why I'm not dead?' asked the unicorn.
    'Unicorn!' Rupert turned quickly to find the animal climbing shakily to his feet. His wounds had healed, leaving only faint scars, and blood no longer ran from his mouth and nostrils. Rupert gaped at the unicorn, and then quickly checked his own wounds. He had an interesting collection of scars, but he didn't hurt any more. He felt great.
    'I'm fine too,' said an amused voice behind him, and before Rupert could turn round, Julia gave him one
    of her best bear hugs to prove it. She put an arm across his shoulders while he got his breath back, and then ran over to hug the dragon, who was flexing his healed wing experimentally.
    'Will somebody please tell me what's going on?' demanded the unicorn.
    'I called down a Rainbow and saved your life,' said Rupert, grinning from ear to ear.
    'Ah,' said the unicorn. 'I always knew you'd come in handy for something.'
    Rupert laughed, and carefully sheathed the rainbow sword. Joy bubbled up in him like water from a long-forgotten well. And then his laughter slowly died as he studied the unicorn more carefully.
    'What's the matter?' asked the animal, frowning.
    'There's something different about you,' said the Prince thoughtfully.
    'I feel fine,' said the unicorn, twisting his head round to study himself as best he could.
    'Oh dear,' said Rupert, as he finally realised.
    'What is it?'
    'Uh,' said Rupert, searching frantically for a tactful way to approach the subject.
    'Hey,' said Julia, as she and the dragon came over to join them. 'What's happened to the unicorn's horn?'
    'My what?' The unicorn went cross-eyed trying to find it, but all that remained was a nub of bone in the centre of his forehead.
    'The demons broke it off when you were injured,' Rupert explained. 'Apparently the Rainbow only heals wounds; it doesn't regrow things you've lost.'
    'My horn!' shrieked the unicorn. 'Everyone'll think I'm a horse!'
    'Never in a million years,' Rupert assured him.
    'In the meantime,' said the dragon, 'may I suggest we get the hell out of here? We're a long way from the Darkwood boundary, and no doubt there are still demons to be found in the dark.'
    'Right,' said Julia. 'The nightmare's over, but the night goes on for ever.'
    'Not for ever,' said Rupert softly, and his hand dropped to the pommel of the rainbow sword. 'Every night comes to an end eventually.'

Chapter 2
    Some two months later, Rupert, Julia, the dragon and the unicorn were travelling wearily down the long, winding road that led to Rupert's Castle. Rupert rode his unicorn, while Julia rode on the dragon's shoulders. The Prince and the Princess both wore leather jerkin and trousers, topped by a thick fur cloak. The weather had turned cold, and a chill wind blew constantly through the Forest.
    'Home is the hero,' said Julia. 'Shouldn't there be a band playing, or something?'
    'The first minstrel I see had better start running,' said Rupert. 'I've gone off minstrels.'
    The dragon coughed tactfully. 'I hate to bring this up, Rupert, but you were sent out on your quest in the hope you'd bring back a dragon's hoard of gold and gems. Or at the very least, parts of a dead dragon, which are apparently worth almost as much. Instead, you've brought back a live dragon, worth not a lot, a Princess without a dowry, and not a single gold coin to show for all your admittedly remarkable adventures.'
    Rupert grinned. 'There's always the rainbow sword.'
    Julia looked at him aghast. 'You're not going to sell it, surely?'
    The Prince shrugged.

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