A Bid For Love

Free A Bid For Love by T. D. McKinney

Book: A Bid For Love by T. D. McKinney Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. D. McKinney
never dreamed existed. Disjointed phrases of praise and adulation, bleeding want and need, tumbled from his lips, uncensored for probably the first time in his life.
    "Oh, God, darlin', you're so good!" Scott's hands explored without hesitation, hips moving in long, erotic thrusts. "So good." Fevered kisses trailed along Asher's calf, cradled in Scott's broad grip.
    Every slide of that exquisite body sent a jolt of unfiltered sensation through Asher, the kisses leaving scorch marks on his flesh. His body moved in time with Scott's, mind blank to anything but his lover and this impossible joy.
    Somewhere outside the universe of their loving, an electronic tone warbled once, twice... " Hey, it's Scott. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you when I can." Lord, even that voice set Asher gasping all over again.
    "Hey, Scott, it's Noah. Thought you might be back from wherever and want to grab a beer before you called it a night. Call me if you get home in the next hour or so. Talk to you later, man."
    "Not home." Scott grinned, leaning over to kiss Asher as he grasped hard want. "Oh, baby, yes. I want to watch you come unglued just for me."
    Unglued! "Incoherent, gasping, utterly...Oh!" Asher's body surged and spasmed under Scott's touch, pulling a faint profanity from his shattered thoughts. "Don't stop! Oh, please, love, don't ever stop!" The sensation of Scott gripping him, tugging in time with those unbelievable thrusts, sent neon flashes dancing across Asher's inner eye. Each shivering breath threatened to turn to screams of pure rapture.
    "That's it, darlin'. All for me. Just me. God, I love you so much. I've wanted to give this to you for so long." Scott claimed his mouth, sucking Asher's tongue in time with all that glorious sensation, air bellowing from the Texan's lungs, that firm body trembling in bliss. "Asher, I love you."
    Broken sobs rather than a scream heralded the release of a passion so strong Asher honestly thought it might bring unconsciousness. He shook from the force of it, back arching, hands clenched on Scott's shoulder. "Love...you." Words took so great an effort. "God! So much." He fought to stay aware. "Never dreamed I could...love someone so much."
    "Asher!" The Texan threw back his head, love's proof flooding Asher with warmth. Bliss ripped through Scott, snapping his spine taut, his grip spasming on Asher's hips.
    Glorious weight settled over Asher, Scott's heart pounding so hard Asher could feel it against his chest. He wrapped Scott in leaden arms, beyond contentment. If he could hold on to this, he could deal with whatever the world flung at him.
    "Wow." Deep gasps pressed to Asher's chest, Scott's cheek warm over his heart. "Oh, honey, so much better than my dreams." Trembling fingers traced a path up to his lips, caressing ultra-sensitive skin. "I...I'm sorry I didn't ask if you were ready for that, but... God, so perfect. You okay?"
    Asher had to think for a minute to decipher Scott's question. Oh, sweet Lord! The concern in those blue, blue eyes brought a grin to Asher's face. "I'm wonderful. I didn't even think about it being a first. I just wanted you so much." He pressed a kiss to sweetly shaking fingers. "I've never felt better, love." And if he ended up sore... Well, it had been far more than worth it.
    "Me, either." Scott eased to Asher's side, snuggling close. "I don't think we're going to be able to move for about an hour, though. You still want me to stay over later?"
    "God, yes." And forever. But Asher would save that invitation until Scott was ready for it.

    * * * *
    Scott jumped about a foot, finally clearing a bit of space in the master bathroom mirror so Asher could see to finish shaving. A blissful expression followed when Asher kept his hand in place, as beautiful as the glare on its heels. "What the hell are you doing?"
    Oh, too perfect to do anything but grin. "If you're going to hog the mirror, my dearest, I shall use any and all weapons at my disposal, including

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