Beautifully Destroyed

Free Beautifully Destroyed by Sandra Love

Book: Beautifully Destroyed by Sandra Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Love
need you to put the lady on the ground.”
    I looked to see it was one of the paramedics.              
    Another asked me a bunch of questions. “What’s her name? Age?”
    “Toria Jacobs, and she’s going on twenty.”
    “Blood pressure eighty-five over forty, and it’s dropping. Heart rate too low to get. Has she token any drugs?”
    I ran my hand through my hair. “I’m not sure.” I watched as they lifted up her eye lids.
    “She is high. We need to get her to the hospital now.”
    “Can I ride, please?”
    The taller paramedic nodded.
    “Hey!” Vanessa yelled. “What hospital are you taking her to? I will go get my car.” 
    The paramedic told her, and then he shut the doors. I watched as he put the oxygen mask on her and started an IV. He told me not to touch her. All I wanted to do was hold her. Once we got to the hospital, I was told to wait in the waiting room. Within thirty minutes, Vanessa showed up.
    “Any word yet?”
    “No, and I wish they would hurry up.”
    “We need to find her family or something. I know her parents kicked her out, but they have to still care about her.”
    She was right; her family should know that this happened to their daughter. I could call my father and get contact information from him.
    “Mr. Turner?” A cute blonde doctor came out to greet me. She was tall and petite. She looked really stressed, and I felt as if I was about to get some bad news.              
    “That’s me. Can you please let us know what is going on? This is Vanessa Cruz, Toria’s best friend.”
    “I am Doctor Stella Johnson. We have Toria stable, but we need to know what drugs she took, so we are running some blood work. For the gash on her head, we got the bleeding stopped and stapled up. We are going to do an MRI to make sure there is no damage. But, Mr. Turner, she is in a coma. Whatever she took didn’t agree with her. Also, does she have any family? We went through her bag and didn’t find any ID.”
    Vanessa spoke up. “No. She was homeless and I took her in. We have no idea about her family.”
    “We need to get in contact with someone. Please try and find someone.”
    “Can I see her?”
    “Yes, but you are not to stay long.”
    I followed her to the ICU, and when I walked in and saw her, my heart broke. She was so pale, and she had tubes in her mouth and nose. She had an IV attach to her arm.              
    “Toria, please, baby, you need to wake up. I don’t want to lose you. Please. We will get you the help you need, I promise, but you have to be strong and pull through this. Toria, I am falling in love with you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I want you to be my life, to be my soul. I am not mad at you, I just need you. Please pull through this.”
    The tears poured from my eyes. I never cried like that, but seeing her like that was destroying me. My phone rang and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was my mother. I got up and walked out of the room.
    “Mom, please, not right now.”
    “Jeb, are you crying? What’s going on.”
    I put the phone down for a second to compose myself. “Mom, I need your help. But I don’t want you to tell Father. Can you do that?”
    “Of course. Now, please tell me what’s going on.”
    I explained everything to her. She had no idea that I had hired my father’s attorney’s daughter. She stayed quiet the entire time. “Mom?”
    “Son, I just know she was in bad shape years ago. Are you sure you want to involve yourself in her destruction?”
    “I am positive. I think I am in love with her. I know that is silly, because we just met, but she is everything to me.”
    She took a deep breath. “Okay listen: I will text you the information you need to find her family. If they ask, you didn’t get this stuff from me.”
    “I promise, Mother. I love you.”
    “Son, I will do anything for you. Now for Barb, this woman has been ringing my phone senseless. Please tell her I wish to not speak

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