Summer Break (Love Nibbles Book 4)

Free Summer Break (Love Nibbles Book 4) by Bonnie Dee

Book: Summer Break (Love Nibbles Book 4) by Bonnie Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Dee
shorts while gazing at Brianne’s bobbing tits.
    “No time to be coy,” she said. “Just strip. We’ve all seen each other naked before.”
    “Yeah, but never at the same time.” Josh pulled down his shorts and kicked them off. “There. Satisfied?” His body was a golden contrast to his black hair. His cock was as rigid as Eric’s, and jutted in front of him from a dark thatch of hair.
    Eric may have glimpsed it before when they changed clothes for gym class or for swimming, but he’d never simply stared at Josh’s fully erect cock. Impossible not to stare—or to compare. Josh’s was a little longer and thinner than his, and flushed a dark red from his arousal. Eric looked away, embarrassed of the slight thrill of arousal that shot through him.
    Josh stepped into the pool and sank down in the water. Eric sipped his wine for courage and waited for one of the others to make some sort of move. The three of them drank and talked about nothing important, while the discomfort slowly eased.
    Brianne told them about a mix-up in her course schedule for next year, and how her assigned roommate wasn’t coming after all. Josh talked about his trip to Boston and how he was ready to focus on a political science major now. Eric shared his plan to take community college courses with the money he’d saved that summer. He couldn’t help but compare his situation with theirs and think how nice it would be to have someone to pay for everything.
    Then they reminisced about people from high school, trying to predict where each would end up five or ten years from now. Soon their wine glasses were empty and each of them much more relaxed.
    “Too hot,” Brianne said. “I’ve been in here too long. It’s time for a dip.” She rose from the hot tub, a voluptuous vision of pink curves, and went to dive into the pool. Both boys’ heads swiveled to watch her as she cut dove in, resurfaced, and began swimming laps.
    Eric turned to Josh. “You don’t think this is a little crazy? You really want to, uh, do this together—share her?”
    Josh nodded. He had the resolute look Eric knew very well from the many times he’d dragged them both into a situation. When Josh decided about something, he was immovable.
    “Anyway, Eric, how do you know Brianne and I aren’t sharing you ?” He winked and reached for the wine to refill both their glasses.
    “Cut it out, man. I’m freaked enough as it is. No touching. I don’t want your hairy balls anywhere near mine.”
    Josh laughed, and it had never sounded so good. At that moment, Eric knew for sure he was forgiven. They were still friends.
    Brianne returned from the pool, shivering, and sank into the hot tub between them. Without speaking, they slid in close to her on either side. Eric leaned to kiss the side of her neck and cup the breast nearest him. It was soft, wet and warm. He moved his mouth to just below her earlobe and nuzzled as he plucked her nipple. She made a soft murmur of contentment.
    Through half open eyes, he watched Josh kiss her mouth, eyes closed and lips molding to hers. Josh’s chest brushed the back of Eric’s hand holding Brianne’s breast; he didn’t mind it. Josh plunged a hand underwater and Brianne gave a gasp and wiggle, letting Eric know where Josh’s hand had landed.
    Eric continued to kiss her neck and massage her boob, but he was very aware of Josh’s presence and wasn't sure how he felt about it. A primal part of him wanted to drive Josh away from his woman, but there was also something very hot about being close to Josh while both of them were aroused.
    He forced himself to stop thinking so much and simply go with it like the others seemed to be doing. Naturally he and Josh would come in contact. They couldn’t be this close and not brush against one another. Both moved to suck one of Brianne’s nipples and their eyes met. Eric reached for her pussy and found Josh’s hand already there. Under the water, his calf floated against Josh’s leg, or

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