Battle for the Abyss
    Zadkiel smiled thinly to conceal his impatience.
    ‘They are two wings on the same eagle, equal elements of an identical source,’ Zadkiel explained. ‘We are at war with our brothers, make no mistake of that. In his short-sightedness, the Emperor has brought us to this inexorable fate. With our hate, our devotion to the credos of our primarch, the all-powerful Lorgar, we will achieve our victory.’
    ‘But the Emperor holds Terra, and in that surely there is strength,’ Ultis countered, forgetting himself.
    ‘The Emperor is brother to no one!’ cried Zadkiel, stepping forward as his words crushed Ultis’s challenge easily.
    Silence persisted for a moment, Ultis shrinking back before his master as he was being chastened. None in the cathedral dared speak. All were cowed by Zadkiel’s obvious power.
    ‘He lurks in his dungeons on Terra,’ Zadkiel continued with greater zeal, but now addressing the entire congregation. ‘The aexectors and bureaucrats, the flock of Malcador, who run Terra’s regency, they shy away from all ties of brotherhood. They sit on a pedestal, above reproach, above their brothers, above even our noble Warmaster!’
    The crowd roared in ascent, Ultis among them, kneeling once more.
    ‘Is that brotherhood?’

    Ben Counter – Battle for the Abyss
    The novices roared again, gauntleted fists pounding the breast plates of their armour to emphasise their fervour.
    ‘These regents create a stale, meaningless world where all passion is dead and devotion is regarded as heresy!’ Zadkiel spat the words, and was suddenly aware of a presence in the shadows behind him.
    One of the Furious Abyss ’s crew, Helms-mate Sarkorov, a man with delicate data-probes instead of fingers, was patiently awaiting Zadkiel’s notice.
    ‘My apologies, lord,’ he said, once he had crossed the few metres between them, ‘but Navigator Esthemya has discovered a fleet of pursuing vectors in our wake.’
    ‘What fleet?’
    ‘Two cruisers, an escort squadron and an Astartes strike vessel.’
    ‘I see.’ Zadkiel turned back to the congregation. ‘Novices, you are dismissed,’ he said without ceremony.
    The assembled Word Bearers departed in silence into the shadows around the edge of the cathedral, heading back to their cells to ruminate on the Word.
    ‘They are gaining ground, my lord,’ said Sarkorov once they were alone. ‘We are powerful, but these ships are smaller and outmatch us for speed.’
    ‘Then they will reach us before we arrive at the Tertiary Core Transit.’ It was a statement, not a question.
    ‘They will, my lord. Should I instruct the magos to force the engines to maximum power? It is possible we could make warp before we are intercepted.’
    ‘No,’ said Zadkiel, after some thought. ‘Maintain course and keep me updated as to the fleet’s progress.’
    ‘Yes, sire,’ replied Sarkorov, saluting and then turning sharply to return to the bridge.
    ‘My Lord Zadkiel,’ said a voice from the gloom. It was Ultis, concealed by the shadows, but now stepping into the light at the centre of the cathedra.
    ‘Novice,’ said Zadkiel, ‘why have you not returned to your cell?’

    Ben Counter – Battle for the Abyss
    ‘I would speak with you, master, of the lessons imparted.’
    ‘Then illuminate me, novice.’ There was the slightest trace of amusement in Zadkiel’s tone.
    ‘The brothers of whom you spoke, you were referring to the primarchs,’ Ultis ventured.
    ‘Go on.’
    ‘Our current course will bring us into conflict with the Emperor. To the unenlightened observer, it would appear that the Emperor rules the galaxy and the throne of Terra cannot be usurped.’
    ‘What of the enlightened, novice, what do they see?’
    ‘That the Emperor’s power is wielded through his primarchs,’
    Ultis said with growing conviction, ‘and by dividing them, the power of which you spoke is realised.’
    Zadkiel’s silence bade Ultis to continue.
    ‘It is how Terra can be

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