The Billionaire's Bodyguard Bride

Free The Billionaire's Bodyguard Bride by Lisa Weaver

Book: The Billionaire's Bodyguard Bride by Lisa Weaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Weaver
to his six-pack abs and lower still, taking her time as she reacquainted herself with his virile maleness.
    “We’re here,” the subject of her erotic interlude announced, interrupting her fantasy.
    They entered the steakhouse, and the hostess led them to the restaurant’s private function room.
    “Surprise!” a chorus of feminine voices yelled out the second Lauren crossed the threshold. She was swept up in a wave of greetings and friendly hugs.
    “Wow!” Lauren exclaimed, surveying the room her friends had transformed into a pre-wedding wonderland. Festive streamers, balloons, and floral arrangements created a celebratory atmosphere. On the far wall, a table groaned under the weight of an elaborate cake and a pile of gifts. “This is amazing!” She turned to Rafe. “Did you know they were planning this?”
    He nodded. “I was sworn to secrecy.”
    Bending his head, he melded his lips to hers. Lauren knew his passionate embrace was simply for the benefit of the women assembled there. Rafe had no idea the women were fellow agents as well as friends—or that they knew her sudden engagement was a ruse. Apparently they’d decided to throw the surprise party to add credibility to her cover.
    Though her mind registered the fact that Rafe believed he was simply playing the part of devoted fiancé, the only thing her body computed was the scorching caress of his lips against hers. It longed for more while she tried to convince her raging hormones that the kiss was just for appearances’ sake.
    “Enjoy your evening , agapi mou ,” he murmured silkily. “I look forward to tomorrow.”
    Stephanie fanned herself with her hand as she watched him walk away. “If you weren’t my best friend, I’d be insanely jealous. He’s sooo hot.”
    Lauren’s lips still sizzled. She was already yearning for a replay, but she pushed those confusing emotions aside in favor of preserving her sanity. She rolled her eyes before drawing Stephanie in for a quick hug of gratitude. “And I’m supposed to be guarding all that hotness, remember? Parker doesn’t take over for another couple of hours. I’m going to have to pass on tonight.”
    “You’ll do no such thing,” Stephanie refuted. “Liz is aware I’ve hijacked you for the evening. She’s asked Parker to start his shift early, and he’s already on duty. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. She also asked me to tell you she’ll be along as soon as she can escape from the office. Your pseudo-marriage gives us a great excuse to party. This is your night. All you have to do is kick back and enjoy it.”
    It wasn’t long before Liz joined them, and the evening flew by amidst great food and animated conversation. Giggling and friendly banter ensued when the group moved on to the gift table and Lauren began unwrapping her presents.
    The last package was from Megan, the newest member of the team. Undoing the gorgeous wrapping and opening the box, Lauren peeled back the tissue paper to find a wisp of silk and lace that would reveal more than it concealed.
    “It’s gorgeous, Megan. Thank you.”
    “I hope Rafe will be gentle with it,” the young operative teased.
    “Rafe doesn’t have a shot at seeing it. I’m serious about keeping our deal strictly platonic.”
    “I’d be changing my mind about that in short order,” Jessica, the team’s research specialist, interjected with a grin.
    “I second that,” Bethany, Sentinels’ technology guru, piped up. “Our original thought was to surprise you with some creature comforts to help you weather the sacrifice of the next year. Now that I’ve laid eyes on that amazing specimen of XY chromosomes you’re assigned to, I’ll be disappointed if you need any of this stuff. Except the negligee, of course.”
    “Yeah. Some sacrifice,” Megan added. “What a hunk. I think you’re crazy for not burning up the sheets with him.”
    Stephanie waggled her finger at the rookie operative in mock displeasure. “Don’t you

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