Murder by the Book

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Book: Murder by the Book by Melanie Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Jackson
announce my three guests. Mrs. Agatha Graves, soon to be my lawful wedded wife, Ms. Chloe Boston, her bridesmaid, and Alex Lincoln, Chloe’s husband and my best man.”
    “Welcome to you all,” said the Grand Master. “Now, if you will wait with me for but a moment, Brother Jackman will step into the cloakroom to don his vestments of office.”
    Lawrence bowed to us and disappeared into a curtained room. I stood holding Alex’s arm. I smiled to the Grand Master. He nodded his head and smiled back. I didn’t know what to say. I supposed that nice horns would have been appropriate. I was proud of the fact I hadn’t snickered when the Grand Master presented himself. I almost lost it when Lawrence stepped from the cloakroom wearing a similarly silly outfit.
    Lawrence wore a robe of scarlet. He also wore a hat that looked like it was made of roadkill. It had two large horns protruding from either side of it. Around his neck he wore many gold chains and pendants.
    “Grand Master Wilkins,” Lawrence announced reverently. “I stand before you on my wedding day fully prepared and gladly resigned to perform the Man’s Ceremony.”
    “You have explained nothing to the initiate or your witnesses?” the Grand Master challenged.
    “Then, in the interests of brotherhood and the bind which cannot break, I invite you now to explain what we are about to do.”
    “Lawrence, what’s happening here?” Agatha exclaimed. She wasn’t thrilled with the hat either. Maybe she was worried he would wear it to the wedding.
    “Agatha, it’s alright. You’re here at the ceremonial hall of my fraternity so that I can perform a marriage ritual called the Man’s Ceremony. It was the feeling of the brothers several decades ago that traditional weddings focus on the bride and her sacrifices, and that there should be a separate ceremony in which the man must prove his love for the woman who is about to marry him. We are about to take part in that ceremony before a hall of my brothers. Chloe and Alex are to be my witnesses. Once I’m done, you will either declare that you accept what I have to offer along with all my mistakes and weaknesses, or refuse me.”
    “But Lawrence, I already accept you. This isn’t necessary.”
    “It is required by my fraternity.”
    Agatha thought for a moment. I bit my lip trying to interpret the thoughts that were going through her mind based solely on her facial expression. She played it cool, giving little away.
    “Alright, but first, why all this secrecy?”
    “Agatha, we are a secret fraternity. We do not publish our ceremonies. We do not advertise our events.”
    “And now I must say a few words,” the Grand Master interrupted. “As Brother Jackman said, we are a secret fraternity who likes to keep their secrets close. I must ask for your promise to not repeat anything that you see or hear today. I ask you to swear by whatever you hold dear. Ms. Boston?”
    “I do,” I managed without giving the question much thought.
    “Mr. Lincoln?”
    “Me too, I suppose. I mean, I do.”
    “And do you stand witness this day to what is about to happen?”
    “We do,” we said together.
    “Mrs. Agatha Graves, your wedding party has been assembled and awaits you. Do you accept your calling in accordance with the secrecy vows I just outlined?”
    “I do.”
    “Then allow me to welcome you to our hall.”
    The Grand Master turned and knocked three times on the large set of double doors that stood beside us. The doors opened of their own volition to reveal the ceremonial hall. Men in various colored robes stood before pews that faced a podium at the far end of the room. There was an aisle leading between the pews. In fact, the lack of windows and an altar were the only things setting the hall apart from a church. All of the men standing faced us and smiled. In the odd outfits and amongst all the excitement, I couldn’t say that I recognized any of them.
    The Grand Master led the way down the

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