The Touch of Sage

Free The Touch of Sage by Marcia Lynn McClure

Book: The Touch of Sage by Marcia Lynn McClure Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure
lady in the puppy way last month! ”
    Inhaling deeply, trying to find the strength to deal with yet another altercation with Mr. Simmons, Sage turned to face him.
    “ I ’ m sorry, Mr. Simmons, ” she told him. “ I ’ ve given him over to Reb Mitchell. W hat more do you want me to do? ”
    Mr. Simmons ’s eyes narrowed. “ Well, ” he began, “i f ya don ’ t want to take care of my lady and her litter ’ til them dadburned pups are weaned…then I ’ ll just have to drown ’ em. ”
    Sage felt sick. She hated Forest Simmons! Hated him for the mean old man he was — hated him for offering to marry her on several occasions. Forest Simmons had proposed to Sage three times. Each time he had told her he was willing to save her from spinsterhood if she would marry him and birth him a few boys. The thought always made Sage want to vomit, but she had kindly turned him down each time instead. Even if he hadn ’ t been old and ugly, any man who would drown puppies made Sage ’ s stomach churn.
    “ You know I can ’ t see puppies drowned, Mr. Simmons, ” she said . “ But…I… ”
    At that very moment, Bullet came bounding up to Sage, sitting at her feet and panting happily as he looked up at her. Sage felt a wave of respite wash over her, for if Bullet was nearby then so was his owner.
    “ Hey there, Forest, ” Reb greeted, sauntering over from the blacksmith ’s shop across the way . Reb reached out and took Forest ’ s hand, shaking it firmly. “ I hear yer lady dog is expectin ’ a litter, ” he said. Sage wanted to burst into tears of relief at the sound of his voice. She looked to him and smiled when he quickly winked at her.
    “ Yep. She is…no thanks to yer mutt, here, ” Forest grumbled.
    “ Oh, he ’ s a good dog…ain ’ t ya, Bullet? ” Reb said, patting his dog on the head. “ And I was wonderin ’ if you ’ d be willin ’ to let me take that litter off yer hands once they ’ re weaned. ” Sage ’ s mouth gaped open slightly. She knew full well Reb had no use for a litter of pups. He already had Bullet.
    “ The whole litter? ” Forest asked, disbelieving Reb ’ s sincerity.
    “ Yep, ” Reb confirmed. “ My saddle pal, Charlie Dugger , is headin ’ up here from Santa Fe with my cattle , and they make up a purty big herd. I think havin ’ a few more dogs like Bullet around the ranch might come in handy. Charlie ’ s wantin ’ a dog of his own whether or not he stays on with me…and I just thought ya might be lookin ’ to give them pups away. ”
    Forest looked at Sage. His eyes narrowed suspiciously. “ Well, I don ’ t know… ” he said. Sage was furious at his antics and couldn ’ t hold her tongue.
    “ I ’ m certain Mr. Simmons wouldn ’ t mind handin ’ the litter over to you, Reb, ” she said, smiling sarcastically at the old man. “ He was just now tellin ’ me how he planned on drownin ’ them once they were born. ”
    Mr. Simmons ’s face tightened as he glared at Sage, but he spoke to Reb. “ I just don ’ t have the time to run around after a litter of pups. I told Sage here she ’ d have to take my lady and the pups in ’ til they were weaned. I don ’ t have the time for it. ”
    “ Drown ’ em? ” Reb exclaimed. “ Hell! I mean…heck, ” he corrected, glancing to Sage. “ I ’ ll take yer lady and her pups ’ til the litter is weaned. Better havin ’ ’ em out at the ranch than cooped up at the boardin ’ house with the ladies. ”
    “ I s ’ pose, ” Forest mumbled. Sage was delighted in his obvious vexation. He had wanted to bully her around because he was just plain mean. But, like everyone else in town, Reb ’ s charm won him over.
    “ Anyway, ” Reb said, lowering his voice and leaning closer to Forest . “ Can ya just imagine Mary Farthen, Livie , and the rest of them ladies a - chasin ’ around after a litter of pups? ”
    Sage ’ s eyebrows rose in astonishment as she heard Forest Simmons chuckle, something

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