    And then she began to move above him, around him, her eyes locked with his.
    There was no question of hanging on to control. The pace started off fast and grew more frantic as they both pushed for climax.
    The pain in her head peaked, and then it suddenly was gone, as she took them both higher and higher, and felt his hand pressed to her center to increase her pleasure.
    She came undone in a burst of sensation so intense that she lost herself for a moment, but she felt him follow her over the edge, his shout of satisfaction echoing in the room.
    As she collapsed against him, clinging tightly to him, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her where she was. And she was content to stay there for the next century.
    Yet she couldn’t. In that surge of intimacy, everything had changed.
    * * *
    F AR AWAY , IN L AFAYETTE , Louisiana, Rachel Harper stopped in the middle of planting flowers around the cottage where she and her husband, Jake, spent part of each week, when they weren’t in New Orleans. Rachel had a boutique there, where she read tarot cards. And Jake had several businesses, including restaurants and antique shops. The cottage was on a plantation that belonged to Gabriella Boudreaux, where three couples had established a small colony. They all had something important in common. All of them were telepaths who had found each other after years of loneliness.
    Recently they’d been on the run from men who wanted to use them or destroy them. Now they were living in safety and making a life for themselves. Their powers varied, but Rachel had a special ability—to send her mind over long distances. Because of that, she was always on the lookout for more couples who had hooked up. She wanted to offer them the safety she and Jake had found. Yet at the same time, she was always cautious about approaching anyone new, because the first man and woman like themselves that she and Jake had met had tried to kill them.
    The last time she’d detected another couple, Jake had been with her. Now she was alone in the garden. Tension coursed through her as she looked around. When Jake didn’t come rushing out, she knew he hadn’t picked up on her sudden awareness that another man and woman had bonded. The other couple were far away. Somewhere on the East Coast, she thought, although she wasn’t sure of the exact location. But since she was the only one here who knew about them, she could keep the information to herself and decide what to do about it later.

Chapter Seven
    Elizabeth Forester, Matt said into her mind.
    Thank you for that—and the rest of it.
    Do you know why those men are after you?
    I’m still not sure.
    We’ll figure it out.
    He clasped her to him, holding her in place, and she was content to lie on top of him, still marveling at the way they had traveled together to an undiscovered country.
    “This is what we were meant for,” he murmured, absolute conviction in his voice.
    She understood what he was saying.
    Always incomplete.
    Until now.
    Why did it happen?
    The loneliness or what happened when we touched?
    “We have to find out,” he said aloud as he stroked her arm.
    She gave a short laugh. “You’re saying we can’t just enjoy it.”
    “Is that what you want to do?”
    She considered the question. “No. I want to understand. And of course we still have to figure out why those men want to question me—then kill me.”
    “There’s that.”
    She raised her head, looking around the room. She had barely noticed it when they’d come in. Now it had taken on meaning. It might be a typical motel room, but it was a magical place—where she and Matthew Delano had forged a connection neither one of them had ever dreamed of.
    When she shifted off him, he sat up and looked around, and she knew he was following her thoughts. And she knew he was thinking about something else, as well.
    Naked, he got out of bed and reached for the remote beside the television set. Then he slipped back under the

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