Forty Shades of Pearl

Free Forty Shades of Pearl by Arianne Richmonde

Book: Forty Shades of Pearl by Arianne Richmonde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Arianne Richmonde
Tags: Romance, Erotic
    She is my V-8. Like a powerful car engine, she needs to be fine-tuned.
    And what about V for Venus? That’s a good one – so much prettier than just plain vagina.
    I can hear the house phone ring but I ignore it, I’m not getting out of this heavenly bath. But then my cell starts buzzing. I reach for it on the edge of the tub.
    “I’m downstairs,” a familiar voice says.
    My heart misses a beat. It’s Alexandre. It must have been Dervis calling on the land line to let me know I have a visitor. Alexandre is here in the building!
    “I’m in the bathtub,” I say.
    “Good,” Alexandre replies, “I’ll join you.”
    “Pass me onto Dervis,” I say.
    I can hear Dervis’s breathing on Alexandre’s cell. “Dervis, you can let him come up,” I tell him.
    “Okay Mrs. Robinson.”
    I scramble out of the tub and quickly dry myself. The pearl necklace is glistening, even more now, with drops of oily water. I wrap a huge white towel about me and glance into the mirror which is all steamed-up. I wipe a corner away and see my mascara is smudged, my eye-make-up dark, like coal. I swab a little away with a Q tip and let my hair down. My doorbell is buzzing. I feel my heart thud and I go to answer it.
    I open the door. He’s more striking than I remembered. He looks disheveled, his dark hair unkempt, his shirt half unbuttoned. He’s wearing flip-flops and his feet are elegant and clean. He has a huge bunch of the palest pink roses in his grip, and a bottle of chilled champagne.
    “I’ve missed you Pearl,” he says, taking a step towards me.
    I feel myself go weak.
    “You’re wearing the necklace,” he observes, running his fingers on the nape of my neck. I tingle all over.
    “It’s the most stunning thing I’ve ever seen. I can’t thank you enough.”
    “It’s normal,” he replies, which I think translated directly from the French means, ‘you’re welcome’.
    No, it’s not normal! I want to shout out. But I say, “Are you sure? I mean, I shouldn’t accept such a generous gift.”
    “You have accepted this gift, Pearl. You’re wearing it and it couldn’t suit you more. So stop protesting and come closer.” He puts the flowers and champagne on the hall table and takes me in his arms, pulling me tight to him. “You look beautiful,” he whispers, staring into my eyes. “How perfect those pearls look on you.”
    He pushes me against the wall and plants a gentle kiss on my mouth. I gasp. Then his tongue opens my lips apart and he begins to explore slowly around my mouth, licking me softly. My jaw is slack, my breath fast, hungry to be as close to him as possible, greedy for more. The points of our tongues touch and I feel a spasm of desire shoot through my body. Then our mouths are full of each other, tongues probing, locking together.
    He pulls off my towel, stands back from me as if to take in the image. “Beautiful,” he says with approval. His mouth traces itself around my throat and shoulders – then my nipples which his tongue licks deftly, flicking around each areola until both are erect. He simultaneously strokes the small of my back and buttocks with the tips of his fingers, running them lightly along the crack of my butt. I moan with pleasure. I feel how moist I am between my legs, my V-8 swelling hot. I lower my eyes and notice the huge bulge in his jeans and I gasp in anticipation.
    He sucks one nipple and then takes it gently in his teeth but without hurting me. “I’m going to have to do things to you, Pearl. I want you so much. But you know that, already, don’t you?”
    “I wasn’t sure,” I say in a thin voice.
    I reach for his crotch but he stops me. “Not yet – ladies first,” and then he moves his tongue around my breasts again. “I love your tits, they’re perfect – your skin’s so soft.”
    His hands are now firmly around my waist. He licks one nipple and lets his fingers walk down one of my thighs. His large hand cups my mound of Venus and I

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