Project Zulu

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Book: Project Zulu by Fred Waltz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fred Waltz
cross your
ankles and put your hands behind your head.”
    Before she has a chance to argue, she is shoved to
the ground and her arms are twisted and lashed behind her back. While being
dragged back to her feet, a wire mesh bag is draped over her head. She hears
someone talking.
    “Area secure for your approach Sir, the subject has
been subdued; her hands are contained and a bite bag has been place on her head.
No Sir, the subject appears normal, I think she is alright. Yes Sir, the
subject is female.”
    Amy tries to remain calm; the fact that this guy is
talking to someone on a walkie talkie means he is probable some sort of cop.
She hears a vehicle arrive; it is left idling while the driver and the
walkie-talkie guy speak again. The pair approaches, and her blindfold is
    “My name is Captain Hellatoni. I apologize for the
restraints, but until you answer a few questions I am afraid that they are
necessary. Can you tell me what you are doing walking down the middle of a
deserted highway at this time of night?”
    “Captain, I will tell you anything you want, I will
do anything you want, just not here. Please, let’s get in your jeep and drive.”
    “Are you running from somebody? Are you in some kind
of trouble?”
    “You would not believe me if I told you, can we
please just get out of here, and can I have a cigarette?”
    He lit a cigarette and handed it to her, “Try me.”
    She pulled a long drag, held it, and then exhaled the
smoke up toward the stars. “Ok, you asked for it. There is a bar back down the
road a couple of miles, a biker bar, only instead of being full of bikers, it
is full of …I don’t even know what to call them…but they aren’t human, at least
not any more. They are like living corpses, you know, zombies.”
    “Soldier, clip those ties from her wrists and put
her in the jeep. You and the team disappear back into the swamp, and report any
other activity. Do not engage again, stay in stealth mode.”
    “Hey listen, I told you that you wouldn’t believe
me. Where are you taking me?”
    “Who said I didn’t believe you?” Captain Hellatoni
said as he walked around to the driver side of the jeep; speaking into his
communicator. “General we have a confirmed sighting. No Sir I do not have a
count, I will be back with her in less than five minutes, I do not know her
    “My name is Amy, Amy Sunoon. Where are we going to
be in five minutes?
    He ignored her question. “General, her name is Amy
Sunoon; I will see you in five, Sir.”

Chapter 25
    Azaka is back from his journey through Breaker’s
mind, and he is very satisfied with what he and Breaker now share as common
knowledge. He stands motionless and reaches out with his mind to his two hoards
    The first group is now more than a thousand times
its original size. Four suburban communities have already been decimated, and a
fifth is currently under attack. Azaka thinks about half of the hoard turning
around and returning to the bar. Half of the undead soldiers in Azaka’s army
turn and begin the journey back. He knows that it is dangerous to go back
through the same areas again; he knows that he will no longer have the element
of surprise and that his hoard will suffer some casualties. He also knows that
he would gain two new members for every one he loses, which is an acceptable
ratio. The other half of the hoard is ordered to continue forward.
    The second group is still the original size, and has
actually encountered no one. Azaka allows his mind to enter one of his
creatures. He can smell something odd, he brings the smell all the way back and
lets it mingle through his new database of knowledge that he has obtained from
Breaker. Gun oil! He smells Gun oil, which means that there are human soldiers
somewhere very near. He scans the area beyond the road, and notices a broken
leaf hanging by the stem on a small weed growing on the side of the road. He
knows that is where they left the road, knows that they are

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