Shades of Neverland

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Book: Shades of Neverland by Carey Corp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carey Corp
Fishguard , Wales and from there take the Mauretania to New York. Peter was not sure even putting an ocean between Wendy and himself would ease his heartbreak… but he had to try.
    As he began to pack, he reflected on his disturbing sleep . In his dreams, Wendy had returned his love and at the ball, he had swept her off her feet and into the garden where the two could be alone. He had been staring into her lovely blue eyes, leaning in, about to kiss her perfect mouth… when from out of nowhere appeared the vilest lot of murderous pirates led by his little dream guide.
    Instantly, he knew they meant Wendy harm! He fought as hard as he could but he was no match for them. The pirates strung them up to take back to their Captain. Bound and gagged, Peter could only listen to the horrible things they had planned for his beloved Wendy.

    Three Days After the Party

    Peter and Wendy hovered together in mid-air above a lovely forest alive with twinkling lights. The night was magical; shining stars above and shimmering fairies below. Face to face they were both dancing and floating at the same time. Twirling with his beloved in his arms, Peter could feel her smooth skin beneath his touch; he could smell her lilac scented hair; sense her sweet breath on his cheek. He leaned in to kiss her. Her lips were warm, soft and welcoming. A perfect kiss that seemed to last for a long time.
    When they finally pulled apart the fairies were gone. Dark, stormy clouds hid the stars as heavy drops of rain began to fall. A bolt of lightning pierced the sky right between the lovers. The force of the blast ripped them apart sending them in opposite directions.
    As Peter tumbled backward through the darkness, he lost sight of Wendy. Crashing into the churning sea, the whole world went round and gray and wet. Trying not to panic, he let an air bubble escape from his lips and followed it until his head broke through the surface of the turbulent water. There was no land to be seen and Wendy was gone. In vain he called to her, “Wendy! Wendy!”
    Somehow, he knew their situation was hopeless. Although sure she had also been cast into the sea, he was certain she was on the far side of the island. With effort compounded by fatigue and the heavy futility of the situation, he began to swim to her. He would find Wendy or die trying…

      Soaking wet and twisted in his bedclothes, Peter awoke from his sleep, shaken. His lips tasted of salt and the cloying scent of seaweed clogged his nose. Muscles shaking, he pulled himself out of bed and dressed with effort in the darkness. It was nearly morning and he still had one thing to do before he left.
    Leaving a note for Griffin, he made his way to Wendy’s cobbled street. This was not the first time he had stood outside No. 14, although it might very well be the last. Despite the chill in the air her window was wide open, as if expecting a visitor. As he had many times before, Peter wished he could fly up to her windowsill and watch her sleep. Desperately, he wanted to behold her perfect face one final time before he departed.
    Standing in the predawn quiet, Peter wondered if it were feasible to steal across the garden and scale the trellis nearest her window. Still, if Wendy wanted nothing to do with him he would not chance her waking to find him staring in at her. How wonderful, he thought, it would be to have a cloak of invisibility, to be able to see his beloved without the risk of causing her more distress.
    Peter flinched as a faint noise came drifting down to him from Wendy’s window. He could not be certain, but it sounded as if she’d said his name. Did Wendy know he was there? Was she calling to him? Every muscle tensed. He pressed against the high bars of the garden gate straining to listen. He remained that way, motionless and fierce in concentration, until the morning sun began to paint its colors across the Eastern sky.
    In the distance, a cock began to crow, the

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